How Dr. Dov Rand’s Rare Therapies Have Treated Serious Medical Conditions

How Dr. Dov Rand's Therapies Treaded Serious Conditions

Dr. Dov Rand is the founding member of Healthy Aging Medical Centers, which was founded in 2010. His company is dedicated to providing health and wellness services to patients who are dealing with a variety of age-related problems. This includes a robust system of preventative medicine. The anti-aging protocols were developed over many years of peer-reviewed research and development. Dr. Rand has a genuine passion for improving outcomes for his patients, and this includes providing educational materials for patients who are interested in becoming proactive in their program. The protocols are based on scientific research that has gone through a rigorous peer-review process. Every aspect of Dr. Rand’s programming is designed to facilitate the highest standards in the field. Patient outcomes are subjected to these standards of evaluation, and the professionals at the center are always staying ahead of the latest developments in this field of medicine. Rand was born in Washington D.C. – the determination and hard work he applies to his medical practice was honed during his childhood athletic pursuits. He attended undergrad at Rutgers University and went to Howard University for medical school. After completing medical school, he went on to complete an internship at the Saint Barnabas Medical Center as well as his residence at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in New York City.


His Work With Regenerative Medicine

Dr. Dov Rand is a leading advocate of regenerative medicine that uses an integrated approach for the patient. This optimizes the benefits of therapies, which are all designed to enhance the patient’s quality of life. Every patient deserves a comprehensive program of services that are individualized to meet their unique needs. This commitment is reflected in every aspect of the organization. Patients who are suffering from serious illnesses require support in order to live their lives to the fullest extent possible. Dr. Rand brings his clinical experience to a variety of situations faced by people struggling to meet their obligations while living with terminal illness or other severe impairments. Patients who have these conditions may often face difficult choices, and he works with them closely to enable them to make a decision based on informed consent.


In an interview with, Dr. Rand said he came up with the idea for Healthy Aging Medical Centers because he has always been fascinated by health and nutrition. He said when he first got into the field of medicine, he was shocked by how much research was being published and subsequently ignored by practitioners. For Rand, a typical day on the job consists of getting up early to work out and eating breakfast. He then spends most of the day in the office with patients either directly or researching their medical history.


Attention to Detail is Key

Regardless of the day-to-day nature of his work, he said one thing that makes him a successful entrepreneur is his attention to detail – to Rand, every aspect is important. He said although he is dependent on his patients for referrals, he sees no problem with that because if the service and care are excellent, his patients would naturally recommend him to their friends and family. When asked what brings his ideas to life, Dr. Rand said his focus has always been to be the best doctor he can be. In his practice he said he focuses on patient education because many doctors keep their patients in the dark, which is not the right way to conduct a medical practice.


The Interview

In an interview with IdeaMensch, Dr. Rand said he is interested in a number of trends in the healthcare industry.


“As we get more adept at recognizing and testing for genetic markers, we’ll be able to create a more individualized approach to care,” he said. “Although a marker may indicate you’re predisposed to an ailment, there are things we can do to help you avoid it. Another big one is regenerative medicine. We’re able to do amazing things with stem cells already, and as that science develops it will become even more pronounced.”


Dr. Rand said something that he believes to be true but many people do not believe deals with the underlying purpose of medical care – Rand noted that unlike many medical professionals, he believes medicine should be about prevention. He added that the most successful and effective treatment plan out there is making healthy lifestyle choices that set you up for a healthier future.


Dr. Dov Rand’s Clinical Services

The Healthy Aging Medical Center provides a variety of services to meet the specific needs of patients. This includes weight-loss programs, regenerative medical treatments, and anti-aging medicine. In addition, women who are going through menopause can find support and relief in these wellness protocols. Treatment of various conditions can improve the quality of life for these patients, so Dr. Dov Rand developed various options for specific symptoms. This includes general fatigue, hot flashes, low libido, night sweats, insomnia, depression, and anxiety. As a result, women who are experiencing menopause can enjoy life to a greater extent than was possible during the period of time when these symptoms were left untreated.


Dr. Dov is sensitive to the unique needs of patients who are suffering from various types of symptoms related to unexpected weight gain. For example, the HCG diet was designed to work with the body’s natural functions in order to reduce weight. Many other treatments are counter-intuitive, and they can easily backfire to a dangerous degree, in some cases. The HCG diet stands for human chorionic gonadotropin, which is a specific kind of hormone that is only found in pregnant women. This hormone is effective in stopping the muscle atrophy that is found in so many popular diets. The diet is generally prescribed in three stages: the loading, weight loss, and maintenance phases. During the loading phase, patients start taking HCG and eat plenty of high-fat, high-calorie foods for two days. During phase two, patients continue to take HCG but only eat 500 calories for three-six weeks. The final phase, maintenance, allows patients to stop taking HCG but continue to watch the intake of foods containing sugar and starch.


The IV Nutrient Therapy is offered to patients who wish to benefit from this comprehensive approach to care. The whole patient is considered in this protocol, which integrates the dietary and exercise habits of each person. The customized treatment plans offer patients an opportunity to obtain blood work and even genetic testing to discover the presence of existing or contributing factors. The vitamin treatment regimens support the nutritional needs of the patient, and this reduces the suffering caused by terminal illness or chronic diseases. Patients benefit from personal attention, and this creates the ideal relationship between physician and patient. Obtaining accurate information is a key aspect of designing a treatment program that is customized and relevant.



GAINSWave technology and erectile dysfunction

Another condition Dr. Rand focuses on is erectile dysfunction – this condition impacts a majority of men at least sometime in their lives and is quickly becoming a focus of the healthcare industry. Many of the current treatments for erectile dysfunction involve drugs or invasive procedures – treatments that don’t use these types of techniques have lagged behind thus far, but this is beginning to change with the adaption of GAINSWave technology, which has boasted impressive results. Dr. Dov Rand has a deep knowledge of this field, not only in the condition itself but also the various treatment options that are available. Rand, who often focuses on alternative treatment options for conditions, has embraced GAINSWave technology and its implementation into his practice has allowed him to stand out in the field.


As it is widely known, erections are caused by blood flow to the penis – when a man has healthy sexual functionality erections are caused by a nervous system trigger for increased blood flow. In men with an impairment of these functions, it may be difficult for them to achieve or sustain an erection. Although the cause of erectile dysfunction can be because of an error in the nervous system arousal, the problem can also come from vascular system issues. When a man’s body ages the vascularity of his reproductive system can become reduced which can compromise blood flow to the penis – this lack of engorgement leads to the lack of a normal, healthy erection. Even if there are no other underlying conditions and arousal is present, the natural aging of the body can lead to the lack of a sustained erection.


Enter GAINSWave technology, a therapy that uses pulsed acoustic waves to open existing blood vessels and stimulate the formation of new ones. It is important to note that the procedure is non-invasive and doesn’t involve surgery or drugs. Previously, the methodology to deal with erectile dysfunction has revolved around surgical procedures and drugs – although these methods can be successful, they often have adverse side-effects. With GAINSWave, the procedure usually lasts 15-20 minutes and most men see results within 6-12 sessions of GAINSWave. Additionally, there is little to no “downtime” required after the procedure, which cannot be said about traditional therapies such as drugs that can take weeks to enter into your system.


Overall, Dr. Dov said it is important to consult with a competent medical professional if you suffer from, or believe you have erectile dysfunction. Medical professionals who have extensive experience in this field will be able to provide much information about treatment plans and Dr. Rand is no exception; he has been working with patients who have this condition for an extended period of time and delivers results for patients who are looking to manage their side effects.


Researchers, including Dr. Rand, have found the new methodology can stimulate the growth of vascularity to the penis through a process known as angiogenesis. Basically, this process not only creates new blood vessels but can also increase the health of existing blood vessels. This angiogenesis leads to positive results in patients – the therapy often results in longer and more robust erections. In addition to healthier erections, the therapy has also seen patients experience higher levels of sexual pleasure and engage in sex on a more frequent basis.


But don’t take it from us

Because of its positive benefits and lack of reliance on methodology such as surgery, Dr. Rand offers GAINSWave, among other services, at Healthy Aging Medical Centers. Rand’s focus on emerging methodologies shows his passion and commitment to his patients, and GAINSWave is no exception. Over the course of his career, Dr. Dov Rand has shown that his people-centric care and accumulation of knowledge leads to positive patient experiences. One patient who received care from Dr. Rand spoke very highly of his approach to healthcare.


“Dr. Dov Rand is my hero. As anyone faced with a terminal illness or living with a chronic condition can attest, living a full and active life is the ultimate objective,” the patient said. “Under Dr. Rand, care I have raised two incredible children as a single parent, and am now sending my baby off to college (on a scholarship). I have worked with the same group of chemists for the past 23 years, although our parent company has changed several times. I cannot imagine where I would be at this time in my life without his skill, caring and concern. He respected my issues with out-of-pocket expenses, and never belittled any of the choices I made about treatment (or non-treatment). There is no other physician whom I hold in higher regard. Sometimes in life we just get lucky and find a person who genuinely holds our best interests to heart. I am fortunate to have found such a person in Dr. Johanan Rand.”


Even though Dr. Rand embraces cutting-edge scientific methods, this doesn’t mean that his treatments aren’t rooted in scientific fact. Dr. Rand trusts methodologies that are tested, not simply “proven” through anecdotal statements. Because of his lack of reliance on anecdotal theory, Rand is able to treat a variety of conditions.


Bioidentical Hormone Specialist

Dr. Dov Rand practices medicine that integrates the most promising therapies available. He is currently serving as the president at the Healthy Aging Medical Center. He trained at the Albert Einstein Medical Center of New York, and he brings a wide range of skill and experience to his current position. Dr. Rand is committed to providing his patients with the highest level of care possible. This is especially critical for patients who are suffering from traumatic brain injuries and other disorders related to trauma. The protocols are designed to restore the body to optimal health, and this has a secondary effect on any symptoms.


Many patients are confused about their symptoms, whether it is related to traumatic injuries or chronic aging disorders. Explaining the situation to the patient in terms that are understandable and empowering gives them the opportunity to make informed decisions about their own healthcare needs. From customized wellness programs to comprehensive management services, this is a valuable resource for people who are interested in taking an active role in their health program. The support of Dr. Dov Rand is available to patients who wish to take advantage of the experience and skills that he offers to every person under his care (North New Jersey HGC).


Making Critical Decisions

Patients can anticipate being treated with the care that only comes from the hands of a dedicated medical practitioner. His goal involves making it possible for patients who are living with debilitating conditions to have the best quality of life possible. Patient privacy is a central aspect of the services offered by Dr. Rand at the center. The doctor is careful during the initial evaluation to provide patients with a complete assessment of their current condition. This information will be available over time after the situation changes. Once the patient experiences improvement in specific areas, this information is compared to the initial assessment. Examples include the monitoring of energy, weight, and the general sense of wellness. Whether you are dealing with a terminal illness, weight gain, menopause or traumatic brain injury, Dr. Dov Rand is available as a resource to assist you in living life to the fullest extent possible. Long-term management of the initial success is also a key difference in the approach used by Dr. Rand at the Healthy Aging Medical Center.

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