The Alarming Thirteen Government Agency Climate Change Report Doesn’t Faze President Trump


Whenever the topic of climate change comes up, the president addresses some weather pattern that’s happening now. Obviously, Mr. Trump forgot that chapter in his prep school science class that explains the difference between the weather and the climate. The weather changes in a short period of time. Climate change is a slow moving event. That’s why scientists have been rattling the cage of lawmakers for years. It’s been getting warmer for decades.

The toxic, out-of-control-carbon emissions are opening holes in the Earth’s ozone layer. Those holes take a long time to heal. The sun is able to penetrate the Earth with more intensity in the ozone layer has holes in it. Summer days become hotter in certain areas of the world. But in all parts of the world storms get stronger, and floods come more often. The intensity of the heat melting the icebergs will raise ocean levels enough to put coastal cities around the world underwater.

The real estate losses, as well as state economic losses, will devastate the American economy. That scenario won’t happen tomorrow. And they won’t happen in the next ten years, according to climate change researchers. But those climate change researchers think parts of Florida and Louisiana could be underwater by 2050.

A reporter asked Mr. Trump if he felt climate change would hurt the economy, and he said he didn’t believe it would. What the politician in him was saying was, it won’t impact the economy while he’s the president. Then Mr. Trump passed the blame, for what he calls “our dirty atmosphere,” on China and Russia. But his remarks shouldn’t surprise anyone who knows how Trump thinks. He doesn’t care if he speeds up the symptoms of climate change as long as he has people who believe the political snake oil he’s selling, according to several Washington Post articles.

The thirteen government agencies that participated in the report on climate change believe the climate is in warp-speed mode. And the planet is in that mode because humans don’t understand the interconnectedness of this joint-stock reality, according to some naturalists.

There are options that will help slow down the process, according to researchers, but capitalism gets in the way. That seems to be the case if your name ends in Trump, according to the Democrats. But some people say that’s an unfair statement. Ivanka believes her father needs to wake up and get with the 21st -century. But Mr. Trump may be too busy campaigning for 2020 to worry about what he calls, “the weather.”


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