Why Millennials Make Great Herbalife Nutrition Distributors

Millenials are looking for purposeful work and companies that stick to ethical standards.

The Pew Research Center defines “millennials” as the generational cohort born between 1980 and 1997. They currently range from ages 22 to 37. As a group, millennials have traits that make them particularly well-placed for success in direct selling. Their desire to be entrepreneurs, start their own businesses, and work in the gig economy makes the direct-selling industry an ideal option for this generation.

This younger generation is full of purpose-driven individuals who seek out companies that share the same values: ethical consumption, social influence on wellness, and inclusive betterment. Herbalife Nutrition is one direct-selling company where millennials have found great success.

When the experts at the Pew Research Center were deciding on the cut-off points between Generation Xers, millennials, and post-millennials, they were looking for major events that would transform the attitudes and perspectives of an entire generation. Many millennials were directly and significantly affected by the 2008 financial recession.

Millennials in the Work Force

Millennials, fresh out of college, found the job market tougher than it had been since the Great Depression because companies were forced to downsize or institute hiring freezes. Some changed their majors to pursue careers in which jobs would be easier to secure. Other millennials skipped college altogether and found ways to create businesses from scratch.

Michael Dimock, Pew Research Center President, believes that the 2008 recession’s modifying effects on millennials’ early careers will have lasting impacts on U.S. society for decades. Further, he believes that millennials growing up just as the internet became a way of life will be just as significant as the revolution of the television was to Baby Boomers and home computers were for Generation Xers.

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Of course, these two transformative events in American life – the 2008 recession and the internet – have a deep effect on how millennials operate and work.  For Herbalife Nutrition distributors, it influences the way they manage their businesses and interact with their customers and those in their networks.

In a way, the rise of the internet was one big social experiment with millennials. This generation was young, adaptable, and impressionable right at the time when the internet was evolving the fastest. It’s no surprise that millennial-aged Herbalife Nutrition coaches tend to be creative and confident about finding new ways to use the internet and social media to attract customers and sell Herbalife Nutrition products.

Millennials were the first generation to use cell phones as teenagers and young adults. When your peers play such a major role in shaping who you become and how you think about the world, that affects the way you operate in the business world as well. With a cell phone and various iterations of the rapidly evolving internet, millennials were the first generation to have constant access to much wider networks of peers.

Read more about what it’s like to work for Herbalife Nutrition:


They were the first generation to be able to almost instantly bounce ideas off of each other and get a consensus or opinion on just about everything. This makes them perfectly primed to perform well within an Herbalife Nutrition network of supporters who help each other succeed.

According to the Pew Research Center, millennials became the largest segment of the workforce in 2016, overtaking the Generation Xers. They continue to gain ground rapidly. The World Economic Forum predicts that millennials will make up 75 percent of the workforce by 2025, just six years from now.

Herbalife Nutrition Offers Valuable Work

One can only assume that this means that millennials will soon make up a similarly high percentage of the Herbalife Nutrition distribution network. One can also assume that millennials will quickly become a dominant segment of the Herbalife Nutrition customer base as well.

Given their vast life experiences at such young ages, we can expect millennials to bring their own unique and positive approaches to the way distributors sell Herbalife Nutrition products. They may even be a driving force for the types of new products Herbalife Nutrition develops in the near future.

Read more about a millennial making a difference with Herbalife:


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