Meet Alex Mascioli: A Paragon Of Investment Genius


Alex Mascioli emerges a world-class entrepreneur and business leader. The Puerto Rico-native now resides in the richly industrialized American state, Connecticut. His career chronicles monumental achievements, which makes him stand out as a disciplined investor, executive, and businessman.

Mr. Mascioli spent four years (1989-1993) furthering his education and training with the NYMA (New York Military Academy). Today, he’s managing millionaire companies and transacting lucrative investment deals. He’s the founding father of the Connecticut-based equity hedge fund manager and buyout firm, North Street Capital. Eight years later, it’s a competitive investment banking brand, rivaling the landscape’s top players for market dominance. A year following inception in 2011, Mascioli became the company’s principal. He’s retained his CEO seat since installation in 2012.

As North Street Capital’s managing partner, Alex Mascioli spearheads the company’s strategic investment initiatives and acquisitions. He’s always in pursuit of the next opportunity to expand his empire. One of his highly public proposals, involved the millionaire motorhome manufacturer, Winnebago Industries. Mr. Mascioli engaged his acquisition vehicle, North Street Capital, to purchase the entire company in 2012. Winnebago deliberated over the offer for some time, but, failed to reach a decision. The motorhome builder insisted on further negotiations, which prompted North Street Capital to pursue opportunities elsewhere.

In 2014, Alex Mascioli came into another potentially fruitful business transaction, which involved the Los Angeles-based investment funds manager, Hedge Solutions. For this deal, he worked alongside his business colleague, Joseph Musto. He’s North Street Capital’s current COO (Chief Operating Officer). With this successful acquisition, Mr. Mascioli expanded North Street Capital’s reach across west coast cities.

Alex Mascioli continues to advance his career as an influential keynote speaker. He’s headlined numerous industry debates throughout his career. His latest appearances include the NAFAA’s ‘Crypto Funds’ event (September 2018), where he gave the keynote address. At Harvard, Mascioli was among leaders addressing the university’s Blockchain Group Cryptocurrency Workshop last April (2018). This year, he focused on crypto fund allocations at the NYC edition of Cryptocurrency Fund Forum. Last month, he attended the first session of the two-part Blockchain/Cryptocurrency Forum series, held in Hollywood, Florida. This month, they concluded a heated interlocution on artificial intelligence as it pertains to blockchain cryptocurrency.

Being an avid car enthusiast, Mascioli takes advantage of every opportunity to invest in automaker assets. His long relationship with Swedish automobile giant, Saab, and, Dutch sports car maker Spyker Cars encouraged a partnership. Saab CEO, Victor Muller sold minority shares worth $70 million to Alex Mascioli. With Mascioli acquiring these shares, he came into ownership of Spyker Cars. His numerous automobile dealings with some of the industry’s most prominent brands – BMW, Mercedes, Jaguar, Saab, and Audi have made headlines.

He’s since launched two startups – the cryptocurrency administrator, Quantreq in 2018, and the global think tank, IBI (Institute of Blockchain Innovation) earlier this year (January), where he’s also a founding partner. Through these channels, Mascoli aims to transform Wall Street. They’re a league of innovators striving to educate society about the security token culture.

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