State Department Official Resigns After Trump Blocks His Written Climate Change Report


Mr. Trump accused China of not living up to the agreement he made with President Xi at the G20 Summit. The president said China didn’t order huge amounts of farm products from the U.S. after the meeting, and he’s not sure why. But Trump didn’t lift Huawei’s business he said he would lift at the G20 meeting so China is not eager to appease Trump until he lifts the Huawei ban, according to an AFP article.

Huawei is still on Trump’s blacklist, but he did tell the Commerce Department to issue American tech companies licenses to buy and sell Huawei products if those products don’t pose a security risk. The main issue with granting licenses is no one is sure which Huawei products present a security risk to the United States, according to ABC News. China wants Trump to take his Huawei off the blacklist, but Trump won’t do that until he is sure he can close a trade deal with China.

According to Ren Zhengfei, Huawei’s CEO, Trump’s ban cost his company $30 billion in revenue, but the company still projects revenue of more than $105 billion in 2019. Ren told the press the company developed HongMeng, a new operating system for iPhones, but Huawei doesn’t plan to use it unless the ban stops them from using Google’s Android operating system.

Huawei is the second largest iPhone maker in the world. According to Zhengfei, the Huawei business ban hurts American tech companies more than Huawei. American tech companies told Trump the same thing before his G20 meeting, according to the New York Times.

Trump’s trade team told the press the recent phone conversations with China are not that productive. The main reason for the slow progress is China doesn’t trust Trump. The Chinese believe Trump lied when he said he would lift the Huawei ban and in order to justify that decision China didn’t live up to its promise to buy more farm products, according to Mr. Trump. But President Xi never agreed to buy more farm products this year at the G20 Summit, according to the Chinese news agency. China claims Trump lies in order to cover his subversive deeds.

State Department Official Rod Schoonover told the House Intelligence Committee climate change presents a huge security risk. But Trump refused to allow Schoonover to submit his written climate change report to Congress. Schoonover’s report outlines the catastrophic issues connected to melting permafrost and glacier ice. Instead of fighting Trump, Schoonover resigned. He worked for the Bureau of Intelligence and Research office for the last ten years.


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