Beauty 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week with Jeunesse

Beauty 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week with Jeunesse

Nowadays, it seems like we have to be on top of it all – work, family, friends, hobbies, and beauty, too. Thankfully, Jeunesse is here to help keep you a little more balanced.

Sleep is one of the body’s essential functions, but in the modern era, too many of us scrimp on our slumber. The result? Too few hours of sleep, especially too few hours of deep sleep, has us reaching for coffee or tea in the morning, or caffeine-laden energy drinks throughout the day—anything to bridge the gap between hours slept and the energy we need during the day. The trouble is, some of us are more sensitive to caffeine and that little extra something we need in the morning or the afternoon can play a big part in needing a cup (or two) the next day, as the caffeine can keep you awake even hours after you’ve enjoyed your drink.

So what can you do? How do you break the cycle?

It starts with setting a routine. Making sure your body know when it needs to be awake and it needs to be asleep is the first step to achieving all the hours of rest you need. A confused body leads to a muddled brain throughout the rest of the day, and that has effects on your appearance as well. The next step is making sure your body has the nutrition it needs — at the right times — to have energy during the day and a restful night’s sleep.

Beauty Comes From Within

We’ve all heard the old adage: “Beauty is only skin deep”, but perhaps the one that’s more appropriate for Generation Young from Jeunesse is “true beauty comes from within.” Generation Young is about capturing and keeping your best and youngest self for good. The question of “how” has sold a million face creams, plastic surgery procedures, and some frankly scary looking devices that are supposed to stimulate collagen somehow—the science of which is dubious at best. The fact is, that there are all sorts of plastics competing with dubious promises of eternal youth and miracle cures.

They’ve got one thing right: youth can be found and bought in a bottle, just not the ones they’re selling.

When Jeunesse Global says that beauty comes from within, they mean it quite literally. While moisturizing and various other skin creams can be an important part of your beauty routine, no amount of lotion can make up for a deficit of nutrition. You have to feed your body what it needs in order to enjoy the beautiful, youthful skin we all want.

Even a Working Clock is Right 24 Hours A Day

Most of us have heard the phrase, “even a broken clock is right twice a day,” but what if you were able to fix that clock’s spring? What if you were able to reset the time yourself with two bottles and a sleep schedule to keep you looking and feeling young?

It seems like a dream, but Jeunesse Global’s state of the art research and development labs do everything they can to make sure that the impossible is actually not only possible, but accessible to anyone willing to try it. With a few strokes of your fingers, some determination, and pills formulated especially for use at certain times of the day, you can keep your body, health, and spirit in the best condition of your life.

When we say that beauty comes from within, we’re talking about nutrition— more specifically, Jeunesse’s AM/PM Essentials dietary supplement. These specially formulated dietary supplements are designed to bookend your day with a commitment to your health and to support all that you’re doing so that you can be the best you that you can be while looking good and feeling great.

Early to Bed, Energized to Rise

Jeunesse knows that dietary supplements are just that—supplements. While our AM/PM Essentials will supercharge you by supporting an extra restful night of sleep and that little something extra that you need in the morning to get you out the door with a pep in your step and the sense that you’ve got the world at your fingertips, getting a healthy amount of sleep is necessary to allow the Essentials (and you!) to live up to their full potential.

The human body thrives off of routine. Setting yourself an earlier bedtime and ensuring you get a full eight hours of sleep means waking up will be that much easier. However, inner self-care doesn’t stop there. Both the AM and PM Essential Vitamins are formulated with essential vitamins and minerals. But setting the right stage for the rest of your day isn’t something you can find inside of a bottle—it’s a decision that you have to make to celebrate your own beauty within.

So how can you do that?

Fuel for the Mind, Body, and Spirit

Everyone’s heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and there’s undoubtedly truth in those words. However, the true reality of self-care and living the Generation Young ethos is treating every meal like it’s the most important meal of the day. By ensuring that you fuel your body with lean healthy protein like chicken or fish, good fats fully of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, whole, minimally processed grains, and pounds of fresh produce, you’ll be able to keep your energy stable throughout the whole day.

This is especially important if you’re one to indulge in an afternoon cappuccino. While an afternoon cup of coffee pick me up is certainly relatable, the truth is that for most people, a seemingly innocuous cup of joe can end up wreaking havoc on their sleep cycle. They’ll stay up just a bit later, sleep a little less deeply, and wake up feeling a little less rested—and so they’ll drink an extra cup of coffee or two the next day to keep up with the flow of their busy schedule.

But not Generation Young. Generation Young knows that good habits and self-care are what keep them looking—and feeling—young. Jeunesse AM/PM Essentials can help make those shallow nights of sleep and dull, draggy mornings a thing of the past. How? By using a doctor-approved combination of vitamins, minerals, and botanical extracts to help you look and feel your best by giving you the specific combination of nutrition you need both first thing in the morning and right before you go to bed, to support both your energy levels and your ability to sleep well.

The Well Rested Spirit

Most of us know the value of a calm, clear mind — none of us want to be stressed out, after all. The trouble is that sometimes we wake up with a beehive of thoughts buzzing around our heads. it’s natural for every one of us to experience this at one point or another; the hard part is knowing how to find your way out of the maze.

One proven method is meditation. Although it may seem difficult to carve out time to practice meditating, the reality is that your sessions don’t need to be long to be effective. Even as little as five minutes a day is enough to clear your mind of all the mental detritus and set you up to really focus on the day ahead of you.

The truth is, that the length of your meditation session matters far less than the act of taking some time for yourself, of taking some time to recenter your body, mind, and spirit. Taking some time to remind yourself that taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of the other people in your life. This is time that you’re taking to invest in yourself. By adding Jeunesse Global’s AM/PM Essentials to your routine, you’re carving out another two slots of time just for you, to take care of you.

After all, isn’t that what you deserve?

A Well Nourished Spirit

Jeunesse AM/PM Essentials are more than just your standard nutritional supplement. They’re a gift from you to you. A reminder that you’re deserving of love, of care, of pampering. That you’re doing what you need to do to take care of yourself, so you can keep up with work, family, hobbies, and fun.

How does it work? AM/PM Essentials is based on the scientifically proven fact that some vitamins and minerals do us more good in the morning than at night — and vice versa. After all, you wouldn’t want to take a supplement that energizes you right before going to bed. With that in mind, Jeunesse developed two pills: one to be taken first thing in the morning, to help energize you throughout the day, and another to be taken at night, to help support a healthy night’s rest.

AM, PM, and Every Hour in Between

Jeunesse’s AM/PM Essentials will help you start your day off right. With the specially formulated AM part of the Essentials plan, you’ll find yourself energized and ready to tackle your day. Later, at the end of your busy, exciting day, your PM Essentials are waiting for you, ready to help ensure you get the best sleep possible so that you wake well-rested the next morning. Because being part of Generation Young means that Jeunesse is there for you—morning, evening and every minute in between.

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