The Carbon Dioxide Imbalance Is More Imbalanced Than Scientist Realize


Climate change may be fake news for President Trump, but scientist around the globe know it’s real. And anyone who experienced a climate catastrophe knows the Earth is reconfiguring itself in a dramatic and dangerous show of power. One of the measuring sticks for climate change is the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Ocean waves play a major role in trapping carbon dioxide, and recent studies indicate the waves are absorbing more carbon dioxide than the current estimates. That fact suggests more of the dissolved carbon dioxide from breaking wave bubbles will reenter the atmosphere.

According to scientists, this onshore ocean absorption of bubbles releases carbon dioxide as the bubbles dissolve in the water, and the release is bigger than previous estimates. This increase in ocean acidification will threaten sea life, and it will also increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Climate change scientists know the Earth is reacting to the way people treat it. The amount of damage by gas and oil mining as well as rainforest destruction is finally taking a toll on the consciousness of the Earth. Other scientists believe the Earth is going through a cycle that occurs every 10,000 years. Those scientists believe the Earth finds a way to get rid of the toxicity created by humans using its natural ability to clean itself.

But climate change scientists think what’s happening now is more about waking humans up to the fact that they are creating some of the Earth changes they are experiencing. The only way to stop the dramatic increase in the Earth’s temperature is to stop doing the things that create more CO2 in the atmosphere. But it may be too late to stop the polar ice from melting. And it may too late to stop sea levels from rising before the oceans swallow the shorelines of countries around the globe.

While politicians, scientists, and local governments argue over climate change, the people in all parts of the world are living it. And it will only get worse as countries deplete their natural resources and continue to abuse the reason they exist. According to some scientists, the oceans hold a lot of answers that could help humans deal with the ongoing change in the Earth’s consciousness. But first people and governments have to realize the oceans are the liquid glue that holds the planet together.


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