Indian Student Wins $400,000 In Science Competition


Samay Godika is a 16-year-old high school student. He recently received $400,000 in the fourth annual Breakthrough Junior Competition, which is a science competition. He submitted a video that illustrated the circadian rhythms. The circadian rhythms are the behavioral, physical and mental changes that follow a daily pattern.

Breakthrough Prize stated that a portion of the $400,000 that Samay receives will also be given to the school and his teacher. Samay will receive a $250,000 scholarship. Pramila Menon, who is Samay’s teacher, will receive $50,000. Additionally, the school will receive $100,000, which will go towards a new science lab.

Ms. Menon encouraged Samay to pursue his interests in science. She also tutored him after school. Samay is a native of Boston, and he now resides in India. The purpose of his project was to show how changes in circadian rhythm can cause jet leg and affect how people perform their daily activities.

Samay has several members of his family who suffer from Parkinson’s disease and other neurological conditions. He was interested in examining the link between circardian rhythms and these diseases. He also wanted to determine if circadian rhythms influenced how effective the medication is.

Samay stated that winning this competition was a life changing experience. He also stated that he was happy to be honored among the top scientists in the world. Breakthrough Junior Challenge is a global contest that is focused on helping people develop their interest in science. It is also focused in helping the general public learn about science.

There were 15 finalists in the Breakthrough Junior Challenge. There were three other Indian students in the competition. Yuri Milner is a billionaire who has invested money in the competition. He stated that he wants to send a message to children that they can be popular by being a good role model.


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