Science Says Certain Types of Music Can Increase Productivity


Music can have many effects on humans. It can make them happy, sad or relax. Studies have also shown that certain types of music can make you more productive. We live in an age where people spend most of their day staring at their computer screen. Music can be used to help people escape from outside distractions.

Teresa Lesiuk is an assistant professor who works at the University of Miami. She has done extensive research on how music affects work productivity.

She found that certain types of music can make people more productive while other types of music can decrease productivity. Music that has a complex structure can decrease your productivity. Music with lyrics can also be distracting. You may find yourself paying attention to the lyrics, which can interrupt your train of thought.

Your listening habits will also determine how music affects your productivity. If you are used to listening to music while working, then it probably will not affect your productivity. Additionally, the difficulty of the task that you are completing will determine whether music will be a distraction.

If the task requires a lot of focus, then it can be distracting to listen to music. Classical music, nature music, epic music, video game music and ambient soundtracks are some of the best types of music to listen to while you were working. Furthermore, you can use white noise to tune out distractions.

If you like to listen to music while you are working, then it is best for you to experiment with different types. Find what works for you. It may be best for you to listen to soft and mellow music while you are working. However, you may find that you can stay motivated while listening to a high energy piece. You may also want to work in silence.


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