U.S. Cities Will Feel Drastic Impact of Climate Change


One of the biggest threats that humanity is facing right now is climate change. It has become a big topic among politicians. There has been much debate about the severity of climate change and its impact on human lives. A recent study paints a very disturbing picture of what could await the United States if the proper steps are not taken. According to the report, there could possibly be a series of horrific disasters in some of the biggest cities in the country. These disasters include floods, earthquakes, insects that destroy crops, heavy storms and droughts. Needless to say, Americans need to take these threats very seriously.

There are a variety of reasons why these specific events would take place. It is crucial that the city, state and federal government take the necessary precautions to ensure the smallest loss of life possible. There are many scientists who believe that all of those disasters are inevitable. They feel that the planet is just too far gone and there is no way to stop any of those disaster that are related to climate change. That might be true. However, it never hurts to have an emergency plan in place.

One problem that is caused by climate change that is not getting enough attention from the media is erosion. There are many houses that are in danger of falling off a cliff because the land behind them has eroded to the extent that they might be gone in a matter of years. Storms have a way of speeding up the erosion process. Therefore, it is important that humans change their ways to prevent more erosion in the future. Forest fires are another big problem in certain parts of the country. This is especially true in areas that are prone to dry conditions caused by a drought.

The United States has a long way to go to catch up to many other countries in the world in terms of being prepared for a disaster. There will be more tough times ahead. If you travel on a regular basis, you should make sure the city you want to visit is not in the middle of a problem related to climate change. The government has not passed any strict regulations regarding climate change. It is believed that things will keep getting worse until the politicians in Washington make some laws that will keep people from harming the world about them.


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