Climate Activist Greta Thunberg Meets Hollywood Celebrities


There is no bigger name than Greta Thunberg when it comes to climate activism. The teenager from Sweden has become a global icon for the fight against climate change. Very important people are taking her seriously. She gave a very passionate speech to the members of the United Nations in New York City earlier this year. She is now visiting CA where she has encountered two of Hollywood’s biggest stars. She took a bike ride around Santa Monica with Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former governor of the state. She also met up with Leonardo DiCaprio. He has been very passionate about climate change for a long time. In fact, he has produced a pair of documentaries on this subject. The most recent one was released earlier this year on HBO.

Arnold and Leo had nothing but nice things to say about their encounters with Greta. Leo went as far as to say that Greta in an inspiration to him. Arnold introduced Greta to his daughter and said he was inspired by her. Both stars posted photos of themselves with Greta on social media. She has clearly reached some very prominent people. She is hoping that she can count on these people to help in her efforts to end climate change.

Greta also has her share of detractors. There are many people who feel that she is going a bit overboard. They believe she is exaggerating her claims that the world is being destroyed by climate change. Russian president Vladimir Putin said that Greta is a nice girl who is misinformed. Trolls have also appeared on social media who have attacked her for her views about climate change. They have even gone so far as to insult her appearance. She has taken these insults in stride. She says that online trolls will not deter her from her mission of helping to save the world.

Greta has been traveling around the world by using forms of transportation that do not leave any carbon footprint. She has refused to fly by plane. For example, it took her two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean earlier this year. She has asked for help in getting to Spain because she refuses to fly there. It will be interesting to see if Greta can keep gaining supporters as she spreads her message around the world. Leo and Arnold certainly have a lot of respect for this young girl.


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