The Code-breaking Bombe has been moved to a Computer Museum


The United Kingdom Museum of computing has gone a step ahead to expand its exhibits. This was done to celebrate the United Kingdom’s wartime code-breakers and all the machines that were used in tracking German cyphers. It’s reported that it will officially open a gallery that will be dedicated to the Bombe. The machine-assisted to speed up the cracking of texts scrambled with the Enigma machine. Formerly, Bombe was on display at Bletchley Park that is next door to the museum. A crowd that was conducting a fund campaign raised about 60,000 euros. The money was used to transfer the machine and create for it a new home.

Bombe has a replica that is a copy of an electro-mechanical machine that was used in the World War II at Bletchley. The machines were designed to detect and discover the settings that were used by the Germans Enigma machines so that it could scramble the texts and make them unreadable. The code-breaker machines at Bletchley were turned into instruments that were used to crack through the thousands of settings. This made it possible and convenient to quickly discover which setting was being used. The design of the Bombe was initially designed by Alan Turing. The design was later developed by Gordon Welchman. The gallery is set to be opened on the 106th anniversary of Alan Turing’s birth. The Bombe is typical of a painstakingly unique design that was constructed by the retired engineer, John Harper.

The team that was handed the responsibility was gathered during the 90’s. They managed to produce a replica of Bombe in the year 2007. The gallery that will be housing the Bombe machine will be inaugurated by two of the original Bombe developers. Also, a demonstration will be conducted on how it used to crack German codes. The museum officials state that Bombe will be put to sit next to other vital machines that were used to crack codes at Bletchley. It will be next to Colossus. This was a forerunner in the modern computers. It was created to handle texts passing to and from Adolf Hitler and all his high command. The task that was undertaken by thousands at Bletchley during the Second World War, like cracking messages is believed to be the reason as to why the conflicts reduced. They also managed to save millions of lives.


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