Any potential election interference will be sniffed out by an early-alert system.


An efficient warning system that will be able to spot potential attempts to interfere with elections is currently being developed by an institution that is firmly backed up by former United States Vice President Joe Biden. The Commission on Election Integrity was formulated to battle struggles to skew election debate. The software that makes up the system scours around social media and other sections of the internet hunting for attempts to seed dissident information. However, experts have warned the state that other nations may answer the invention with a very sophisticated tactic.

The spokesman of the commission, Fabrice Pothier said that that they were trying to develop high reliability and easy to navigate tools for the civil institutions to use and try figure out or see what is happening in real time so that they can try to counter the loopholes early enough. The need for such sophisticated tools arose after the 2016 presidential elections. The election was reported to have been bound with massive interference from Russia. The software is programmed to trace activities like the use of illegitimate accounts to preach out messages on social networks. The software will also be detecting the passing of damaging content about politicians, fake or stolen all the way to the opposition groups.

The commission said that the software would also be searching for the development for any malware that is created to scout on political figures’ communications. Additionally, it will prevent the hacking of election computer systems. Mr. Pothier confirmed that the knowledge about the election interference came after the 2016 presidential elections. They realized too late when the elections were over, and the political candidates had already taken office. This was challenging for the commission to know which candidate won unrightfully and who won rightfully. After the elections, the commission collected and placed the picture into one, and surely they realized that there were several interferences with the elections. The commission reported that this time around they are committed to fixing the analytical part that was not safeguarded last time. They want to have a systematic means to track on how the elections will be conducted and influenced.

An early system is a software that can give real-time scan when the campaigns are being carried out. It will monitor how the groups behind the election campaign are injecting information, especially how much content is being injected on social networks. The software will see any potential interferences, how it will revolve and the effects that it may have.


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