Science Says That Workplace Issues Can Increase the Risk of a Divorce


There is a saying that says home is where the heart is. A new scientific study has shown that the workplace may be the place that it wanders. The study showed that people who work closely with members of the opposite sex are more likely to get divorced.

The study involved subjects from Denmark. All of the subjects were married. They were studied from 1981 to 2002. They worked in a variety of industries. Over 100,000 couples who were involved in the study have divorced.

The researchers found that men who worked exclusively with female coworkers were 15 percent more likely to get divorced. Women who worked exclusively with male coworkers were 10 percent more likely to get divorced. The study also showed that highly educated men were twice as likely to get divorced as men who had less education.

The study also showed that the occupation that one worked in also affected the divorce rate. The divorce rates were highest among people who worked in restaurants and hotels. These are the places where people are most likely to work with a lot of opposite sex coworkers.

The divorce rate is lowest among people who work in the library or farming. These industries are more likely to have large numbers of people who are of the same sex. There are a number of factors that can potentially lead to a divorce. However, the researchers do believe that the reason people who work closely with the people who are of the opposite sex socialize a lot. They believe that this socialization can cause a person’s marriage to become unstable.

This is not the first time that a study has linked working with opposite sex co-workers with a higher rate of divorce. A 2003 study had similar findings. It also showed that people who worked with divorced co-workers are more likely to get divorced.


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