Scientists Mapping DNA Genomes to Help Endangered Species


Scientists at the Wellcome Sanger Institute outside of Cambridge, England have embarked on an import endeavor for wildlife conservation. The scientists at the institute are mapping the entire DNA genome for several wildlife species. This is being done so that wildlife biologist will know how to save species on the brink of extinction. The information will also allow scientists to fully understand a species and its unique needs before trying to reintroduce the species back into the wild.

One of the questions that scientists are trying to answer through genome mapping is why many invasive species in the UK are thriving while species that are native to the British Isles are experiencing a great deal of difficulty and are declining in number. Scientists also hope to use genome mapping to understand why the red squirrel is being decimated by the squirrel pox while the grey squirrel can carry the virus in its body and have no evidence of disease.

One species has already had its entire genome mapped. The golden eagle has been reduced to just over 500 breeding pairs in the UK. Most of the golden eagles in the UK are limited to certain areas in the Highlands of Scotland.

The South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project wants to reintroduce golden eagles into areas in the Scottish Midlands and Lowlands. This group is actively studying the information obtained through genome mapping so that they will be better able to understand the habitat needs of the golden eagles.

Scientists have found that there are some subtle genetic variations between some golden eagles from different areas. These genetic differences play a role in determining what climate certain golden eagles prefer. The genetic variations also determine what foods are favored by certain golden eagle populations.

The scientists who are mapping the animals’ genomes are using certain techniques that have not been widely used before. If the new techniques prove useful in the animal genome mapping, this technology will bring advances to helping humans as well.


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