What Science Says About The Keto Diet


Fad diets have been making the news a lot lately. One of the many diets that is in the spotlight is the Keto diet. The Keto diet is a high-fat, low-carb diet. A team of scientists has studied whether the keto diet or low-fat, high-carb diet was better for your health.

They hope that their research will end the diet wars. They stated that the quality of your diet is more important than the amount of carbs and fat it has in it. They also stated that people can achieve good health by following a quality diet regardless of whether they follow a high or low-carb diet.

The researchers stated that everyone benefits when they swap out saturated fats for unsaturated fats. People can get healthy fats from avocados, nuts and seeds. They also stated that people should get their carbs from whole fruits and vegetables instead of baked goods and fried foods.

Furthermore, the researchers noted that genetics determine the type of diet that we should be following. They said that there is no one-size-fits all when it come to eating healthy. David Ludwig was one of the study authors. He is also a nutrition professor at Harvard University.

He stated that the purpose of this study is to compare the different diets. However, he highlighted some of the benefits of the keto diet. They found that the keto diet may help treat diabetes. It can also improve overall health.

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to eat a lot of meat if you are on the keto diet. You can eat more seeds, nuts and high-fat plant foods. You will have to reduce your intake of sugars and starchy fats.

The authors concluded by saying that following the nutrition advice that your mother gave you is properly your best bet. You should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Keep your sugar and processed food intake to a minimum.


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