The White House Claims the Climate Change Report Is Not Based on Facts

climate change, global warming

According to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, the recent climate change reported submitted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, is nor data driven. Twelve other federal agencies including NASA also contributed information about the climate. But according to Sanders, those agencies didn’t use facts to produce the report. Sanders told reporters at a press conference that extreme modeling was what all the agencies used to produce the report.

Trump didn’t read the entire report, but what he read was “fine, according to the president. But “fine” must mean something else in Trump’s vocabulary because after he said the report looked fine, he said he didn’t believe. Trump flatly denies the warning in the report that people around the country are already experiencing. Storms have more energy behind them and ocean levels keep rising faster than some scientists thought possible. Arctic ice photos from space show just how much ice disappeared over the last 33 years and some scientists think several coastal cities, including Miami, could be underwater by 2050. Some scientist say other cities around the world could be underwater before then.

When the climate change report hit the news on Black Friday, the White House hoped it would go unnoticed because most people focused on shopping. But the opposite happened. People started questioning some of Trump’s policies that help hasten changes in the climate, but Trump denies his push to use more coal and drill for more gas has anything to do with the ominous climate change report. Mr. Trump claims his policies boost economic growth but they don’t impact climate change. That position goes against what government scientists believe.

Sarah Sanders told reporters Trump made a commitment that his policies would produce the safest and cleanest water and air. But government scientists disagree with the president, and it seems Trump won’t change his quest to restart the industrial age in America using harmful environmental policies. In a sense, Trump not only denies humans have anything to do with increasing the intensity of climate, but he also denies the technology age. That could be why Sanders said the climate change report has no concrete data behind it. Trump may not understand what the meaning of technological data.

The president through Sarah Sanders said extreme modeling is never exact, and extreme modeling is the method used to create the climate report, according to a Washington Examiner article.


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