The Green New Deal


A recent proposal has been announced by several government officials. The project is called the Green New Deal. It is supposed to stimulate economic activity and improve the environment. However, the details within the plan have some people concerned. Nuclear energy is the most abundant renewable power source in the United States today. In the proposed project, the United States would move away from using nuclear energy.


The proposed cost of the Green New Deal is massive. The proposal calls for trillions of dollars in additional taxes. The political leaders proposing the deal also want to use deficit spending and government bonds to finance the project.

The United States is already trillions of dollars in debt. Few people think the country should willingly take on more debt to pay for this proposal.


Another interesting idea in the proposal is to completely remove the need for domestic air travel in the United States. The plan calls for a high-speed rail to be built in various cities across the country. Japan has a high-speed rail system, and these lawmakers want to mimic that design. The cost to develop a high-speed rail is massive. Many politicians were quick to point out that this part of the proposal is unfeasible. Not only would the cost be tremendous, but high-speed rails must be built in a straight line. All of these factors make this part of the proposal unlikely.


Many people were excited to hear about the Green New Deal. Millions of people in the United States believe that climate change is a pervasive problem that must be addressed. The vast majority of people agree that pollution should be decreased as much as possible. Although this proposal would reduce carbon emissions, few people think it is a serious plan for the future. The good news is that this plan will start a discussion about improving the environment in the United States.


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