Debate About Climate Changes Rages in the United States


Climate change is a significant issue facing the world. The vast majority of scientists agree that climate change could cause various problems in the future. However, some people do not believe that climate change is a real issue. There is a massive debate in the United States about how to combat climate change. While some politicians think that sweeping overhauls are needed, others believe that minor tweaks can solve the problem.

The Green New Deal is a new proposal from some political leaders in the United States. The proposal calls for massive tax increases and new environmental regulations. Many people have criticized the proposal as being too strict. However, others think that the proposal is a reasonable way to improve the environment.

Global Issues

Climate change is not just an issue facing the United States. Government leaders in Europe have attempted to combat climate change. France recently increased taxes on gasoline. Once the taxes were instituted, thousands of people started rioting in major cities across France. Few people are willing to pay higher taxes to combat climate change.

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is produced without harming the environment. Some people think that the United States should invest billions of dollars to support the renewable energy industry. However, other people believe that fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, are still a vital part of the future. New technology allows oil to be drilled more efficiently. The United States is currently producing more oil than ever before in the country’s history.

Other Changes

As the climate change debate continues, many people are worried about living in coastal areas. With rising sea levels, some parts of the United States could become uninhabitable. There are large cities, such as New Orleans and Miami, that could be wiped out by higher sea levels.


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