Edibles Are Worse Than Smoking Marijuana


Colorado decided to legalize marijuana in 2012. Ever since Marijuana was legalized, more people were sent to the emergency room because of cannabis issues. However, scientists have found that people who ingested cannabis edibles were more likely to experience severe side effects than people who smoked it.

Marijuana edibles are available in the form of gummy bears, brownies and cookies. Nora Volkow is a neuroscientist who works for the National Institute on Drug Abuse. She stated that the marijuana edibles caused complications that she did not even know were possible. Over 2,657 went to the emergency room for marijuana complications from 2012 to 2016.

However, people who ingested edibles were much more likely to suffer psychiatric symptoms. Eighteen percent of people ingested edibles experienced anxiety and other mental health problems. Only 11 percent of people who smoked marijuana experienced psychiatric symptoms.

People who ate marijuana edibles were also more likely to experience heart problems. Eight percent of people who consumed edibles had an irregular heartbeat. Only 3.1 percent of the people who smoked marijuana had heart problems. However, it is important to note that the results of this study only illustrate a correlation. It does not prove that marijuana causes heart problems.

People who smoked marijuana were more likely to experience gastrointestinal problems. Thirty percent of people who smoked marijuana had gastrointestinal issues. Only 15 percent of people who consumed edibles had gastrointestinal problems.

Andrew Monte is an emergency room physician who works at the University of Colorado Hospital. He said that no one knows whether the effects of marijuana are caused by the THC or the method that one ingests it. When THC is inhaled, it quickly goes to the brain. However, edibles have to be absorbed into the bloodstream. That is why it can take a few hours for a person to feel the effects of edibles.

Monte believes that the FDA should include health warnings on marijuana packages. Nora agrees with this. She stated that if warnings are not put on the label, then many lives can be put in jeopardy.


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