Government Blocks Drilling in Wyoming Due to Climate Change


Climate change is a significant issue facing the world. Few government leaders are willing to pass legislation to combat climate change. Drilling for oil is one of the worst things that happens to a local environment. When the oil is drilled, emissions get released into the surrounding area. Thousands of plants and animals are killed in the process.

Wyoming is a beautiful state with a lot of oil. In 2015, the government granted oil companies the right to drill for oil in specific areas of Wyoming. However, in a recent ruling, the government has rescinded those permits. Climate change is the reason for the permits getting pulled. Many oil analysts were shocked by this news. People who support action on climate change cheered when the news was announced.

Oil in the United States

For many decades, the United States imported oil from other countries. There were several times in the past when this caused issues for the country. For example, there was a massive gas shortage in 1975 due to a conflict with Iran. The United States started drilling for more oil domestically, and these drilling projects resulted in much higher domestic oil production. The United States is now an exporter of fuel for the first time in history.

Some people believe that drilling for oil has caused a ton of environmental damage. Although technology has improved the process, drilling for oil still causes a lot of environmental issues. The government is urging companies to spend more money to improve the process of drilling for oil.

Alternative Energy

Some people believe that alternative energy is an excellent way to help the environment. If alternative sources of energy are developed, people will be able to utilize fuel sources other than oil. Elon Musk is the CEO of Tesla. He has the goal to make electric cars affordable for the average American. As more companies see the potential of renewable energy, costs will decrease for everyone living in the United States.


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