Isabel dos Santos Discusses Future of Africa

Isabel dos Santos Shares Her Plans for the Future of Africa

As a leading businesswoman in her home country of Angola, Isabel dos Santos is widely recognized for her contributions to her country and the continent of Africa at large. These contributions have come through her business ventures, such as her large telecommunications company, UNITEL, and also through her public advocacy for issues that affect large segments of the continent’s population. Owing to her place at the crossroads of financial success and philanthropic initiative, she possesses a unique insight into the future of Africa and how it can develop for the benefit of the greatest number of Africans. Read on for an overview of recent comments she made on the topic and a deeper look at the businesswoman herself.


Power of international recognition

Since Isabel dos Santos is widely known in the international community, she often finds herself as a focus of attention. While some may find this level of recognition to be tiresome, she has managed to put it to good use by channeling the attention towards her endeavors to help her continent of origin. One of the things she strives to use this attention for is to tell, what she calls, the “real story” of Africans, rather than the popularized notion of a continent in need that has become commonplace in many nations across the world.

The businesswoman characterizes that story to be one about the talent that is present across the many countries that make up Africa as a whole. This high level of talent has created many of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, such as dos Santos herself, but also many entrepreneurs with the competency needed to succeed who are merely lacking access to opportunity in order to do so. This goes to show just one of the many things in Africa that actually works quite well—the promotion of entrepreneurial spirit. Through speaking engagements and other avenues afforded to her by her high-profile status, the entrepreneur seeks to promote these numerous aspects of life on a continent that is sometimes known more for what goes wrong than by what goes right.


The continent’s potential

It’s clear when hearing the entrepreneur speak that she has a deep passion for her home country and continent, a fact that she underscores often. While she is from the southern region of the continent, she feels there are many similarities across Africa as a whole. Though she does acknowledge many differences, such as in legal systems, language, and cultures, she maintains that coming together over the many commonalities present between countries can serve to benefit all Africans.

One of the key benefits the businesswoman feels can be served here is the unlocking of the potential she sees present in the continent at large. When countries can each use their own viewpoint to craft solutions to continent-wide issues, there will inevitably be best practices that emerge. If countries then share these winning solutions with each other, general wellbeing can increase and new issues can be tackled with a degree of enhanced ability. The entrepreneur feels that this course could lead to a culture of excellence where merit is valued above all else and where dedicated individuals could thrive. Through this success, opportunity could be passed down through generations, allowing young people to take advantage of their own innate talents.


Role of Africans abroad

While there is much that can be done to improve quality of life across the continent domestically, there is also plenty that can be done by African expatriates to benefit those back home. This issue is especially relevant to the businesswoman, who conducts business and other endeavors in regions around the world. She recounts how, in the course of these ventures, she’ll often meet other Africans throughout Asia, Europe, and the US. In these encounters she’ll notice the ways in which expatriates act almost as ambassadors to their home countries, showcasing the talents possessed by many in Africa.

Dos Santos is vocal in expressing the need for more of these types of ambassadors to help secure a higher quality of life for Africa’s future. As more in the international community interact personally with Africans, she feels they will inevitably form personal connections to the cultures of the continent and a more accurate view of the people that live there. Additional benefits such as the transfer of skills and financial income to the continent are also an important factor in the grassroots development that the businesswoman characterizes as critical to continued success.


Challenges moving forward

Though there is plenty to celebrate in the ongoing effort to increase opportunity and quality of life to Africa, the entrepreneur is also realistic about the challenges that must be overcome in those pursuits. In her view, a key consideration here is the proper management of territory and land use. Though populations are growing in many areas of the continent, the businesswoman is quick to point out that efficient land use has not seen a proportional increase. In order to reap the benefits of a growing workforce, she contends that such considerations must be met head-on.

Ultimately, though, the businesswoman feels that these, and other, challenges are surmountable through the ingenuity and efforts of Africans. Though the assistance brought in by the international community is much appreciated, the future may well find that the bulk of the work in the pursuit of development comes from Africans themselves. When discussing the potential for such work, the businesswoman is optimistic. “Africa is a land of opportunity, most of which have not been developed,” says dos Santos in recent comments. “Through these opportunities, I hope that Africans will be able to fulfill their own dreams.”

As methods and strategies for aiding development efforts continue to evolve, thoughts from economic leaders across the continent will help to serve as guideposts to create a path forward. With plenty of emphases placed on the power of Africans to work towards the betterment of their own communities, the ideas put forth by Isabel dos Santos can be a helpful contribution to that path. Her thoughts on the subject, combined with many others across the world, are making a bright future for the continent seem increasingly likely with each passing day.

More information about Isabel dos Santos at


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