Cactus Feeders Feeds The People


Founded in 1975, Cactus Feeders is a company intent on getting their customers to learn more about agriculture and how it can help us and the people around us.

With more than 800 employees throughout places such as Iowa, Kansas, Texas and Georgia, Cactus is completely understand ownership of the employees themselves as they receive paychecks and stock in the company. Their retirement is 100% paid to them about double the average for retirement nationwide.

Cactus Feeders’ main goal has been “Feeding A Hungry World: Family, Friends and Neighbors”. With this, the most important parts of tending to the animals as well as the employees who take care of them are covered. The objective is to get the best animal protein out to hungry everyday people.

As employees working for Cactus have families who enjoy what they produce, only the highest grade products are sent out to families, healthy and safe. Spreading their mission to friends, families, neighbors and the community at large is a massive part of what makes the company.

At least 1 of each 25 cattle around the nation happens to be Cactus beef coming from Cactus cattle. Getting food out to those people who need it from those who are close to others who are not is a main priority; transporting beef and pork to people who have a taste for them.

Week after week, 12 million pounds of boneless red meat is provided by roughly 20,000 Cactus cattle and about 14,000 Cactus pigs provide 2 million pounds of ham, bacon and more. That means 56 million meals are shipped out every week to people in the community and beyond.

Cactus Feeders has focused on being sustainable in order to truly provide food for a rapidly blooming populace. Around the year 2050, the need for food around the world will rise 100%. Thanks to gradual improvements across the food industry, animals are safer and less are need to produce food thanks to methods that significantly decrease methane made by those animals. This uses far less land and makes the protein safer to send out and enjoy.

Cactus Feeders is dedicated to feeding people with a better standard of beef and pork, especially beef and pork they can afford to purchase. When the year 2030 comes, about three billion people will be considered middle class. Affordable beef and pork that maintains that high quality is a must with a growing population.

Cactus Feeders is doing their best to reach consumers with protein they can enjoy and Cactus works to use less in a way that’s cost-effective. This way, families will be able to get the best beef and pork they can without having to break the bank.


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