Denying Climate Change Will Hurt Republicans


One of the biggest issues facing the world today is climate change. There have been many documentaries made on the subject by famous people like Leonardo DiCaprio. There is no question that climate change is one of the most important issues among young voters. Many Democratic politicians have built their campaigns around the problems that are being created by climate change and global warming. The same cannot be said for the politicians in the Republican party. It has been the Republican stance that climate change does not exist. This line of thinking has been repeated very often by President Donald Trump. He completely disagrees that human beings have caused the planet to get steadily warmer over time.

The general consensus of the scientific community is that climate change is a very real issue. Young voters agree with this. Therefore, it could be a very serious problem for the Republican party in the future if they refuse to change their tune where climate change is concerned. There are many Republican strategists who are already predicting a possible crisis on the horizon. The Republicans are in very serious jeopardy of losing young voters in future elections solely on the basis of their stance on the climate change issue.

The Republicans desperately want to take back the control of the House of Representatives that they lost in the election of 2018. There are many experts who believe that the only way that will be possible is for Republican politicians to begin to go against President Trump. That will mean they will need to admit that climate change is real. Furthermore, they will need to come up with workable solutions that can be used to solve the problem. That does not appear like it is going to happen any time soon.

The Republicans appear to be firmly entrenched in the camp of climate change non-believers. A new poll was just released that said 60 percent of voters between the ages of 20 and 40 think that climate change is having a negative impact on the country. Many of these are Republican voters who could decide to switch sides if they see that Republicans are not going to stop denying the existence of climate change. There is no question that the entire Republican party could be on the verge of a crisis the likes of which they have never seen before. It will be interesting to see what happens.


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