Huawei’s CFO Told Canada The Company Has An Office In Iran


The Danes got a long-distance dose of Trump’s sleazy political snake oil. Mr. Trump told the press he might buy Greenland, and the world erupted in laughter. But Denmark’s prime minister didn’t think Trump’s attempt to somehow screw Greenland and Denmark was that funny. The Danish prime minister told Trump Greenland’s not for sale.

When Trump got that news he canceled his Danish trip. Denmark’s Queen-mother had a few choice Danish words to lay on Trump for showing her what his political snake oil looks and feels like.

China and Russia have their eyes on Greenland’s part of the world and those two countries look more stable to the Danes than Trump’s America. Greenland wants investment money instead of an American dictator.

Mr. Trump still wants to put a 100 percent tariff on French wines. And his trade war has disrupted international supply chains, so most European countries are one step away from a recession. No one is sure what will happen in Italy now that the Italian government imploded. But the Europeans know Mr. Trump is not a friend. He wants to control global trade, according to the New York Times.

But U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is a Trumpian. The former mayor of London made a deal with Trump. Trump told Boris to leave the EU without a deal and then sue the EU, according to the Washington Post. Mr. Trump told Johnson he would give the U.K. a sweet trade deal if he made a hard Brexit happen, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told the press Congress won’t approve a new trade deal unless Johnson leaves with a signed agreement.

Mr. Trump still claims a recession won’t happen on his watch. Trump told the press the economy is too strong, but most economists see the signs of a recession. The Trumpster wanted to cut payroll taxes to boost the economy until his advisors told him people would take that as a sign of a recession. According to one member of the Federal Reserve, a September interest rate cut won’t prevent a recession in 2020.

Meng Wanzhou told Canadian border guards Huawei has an office in Iran. Trump had Canada arrest Meng for violating his sanctions. Wanzhou is Ren Zhengfei daughter and the CFO of the company. Trump wants to use Meng as a bargaining chip just like he uses Huawei.

But Zhengfei won’t let Trump destroy his company. Huawei’s revenue was up 23 percent at the end of June, and the company has 50 contracts to build a 5G in other countries like Russia and Italy.


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