New UN Report Gives Bleak Outlook on Climate Change


One of the big topics of politicians over the past few years has been climate change. This has carried over into the presidential campaigns of many Democratic candidates. There are some of them like Bernie Sanders who believe that climate change can no longer be ignored. On the campaign trail, he has said many times that action must be taken now to avoid causing damage to the Earth that we will not be able to fix. A brand new report from the United Nations suggest hat Bernie Sanders is right about everything he has been saying. The report indicates that the planet is in a crisis situation where greenhouse gas emissions are concerned.

It is not clear how the various countries of the world will all be able to change the way that they have been operating for so long. It is important to point out that the 20 most powerful and wealthy countries in the world emit the most greenhouse gasses. However, only 25 percent of these countries have given a specific date where they plan to get down to net zero emissions. These countries will need to pass legislation that will legally force companies to limit their ability to pollute the environment. This is the only way that this problem can be solved. These companies are not going to change their ways voluntarily.

The increase in population in these countries and the desire of politicians to encourage economic growth have been pointed to as key factors regarding pollution. Basically, politicians around the world have turned a blind eye to large companies that pollute the environment because they create jobs and keep the economy strong. Therefore, politicians are not willing to take them on. There is also the fact that many of the companies that are the worst polluters are large donators to key politicians. These companies keep a tight leash on the politicians they control. Therefore, these people will not start any legislation that could hurt the profits of the companies that donate to them.

The UN report shows all of the mistakes that the world has made in terms of letting greenhouse gas emissions get out of hand. South Africa has done some very good work when they gradually eliminated coal power plants. However, doing the same thing in India would prove to be very hard. This is because coal is a large part of the economy in India.


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