Climate Change Is Impacting Skiing on the Alps


Climate change is in the news a lot lately. This is because it is having a huge impact on the world we live in. The fires that are currently raging in Australia have been allowed to burn for so long because of climate change. There are also many other things around the world that are no longer as they once were as a result of a climate that is changing very rapidly. One of the places where the change in the climate has been the most dramatic is the Swiss alps. These mountains have been a place where skiing enthusiasts take their vacation. However, there is not much snow to be found there any more.

The temperatures in the areas surrounding the Swiss Alps are getting warmer with each passing year. It goes without saying that warmer temperatures and ski resorts do not go together. The warmer weather has wreaked havoc on ski resorts all over the Swiss Alps. The skiing season has become much shorter than it used to be. This means that the ski resorts are making less money. The local economies are taking a big hit because the ski resorts are major employers. However, the shorter ski season means these resorts cannot employ people for as long as they used to.

Skiing competitions that were scheduled to be held in the Swiss Alps are now having to be moved and rescheduled because of a lack of snow. There is no solution in sight for the resorts that host these tournaments on a regular basis. The warmer temperatures really started to be noticed in the Swiss Alps around 15 years ago. However, the rise in temperature was not serious enough to cause any alarm among the locals. The ski resorts were able to operate without any problems and the skiing season was not any shorter than it normally is. However, things have changed a lot since then. Temperatures have become progressively warmer with no end in sight.

The future of skiing in the Swiss Alps is definitely in very serious jeopardy. It could be the end of an era. It is not clear how long the ski resorts will be able to stay open and still make a profit. Only time will tell. Other ski resorts in the French Alps have also been impacted with warmer weather that has hindered snowfall. Skiers might need to start looking for new destinations.


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