FDA Approves Hydroxychloroquine To Treat COVID-19 Victims


The COVID-19 pandemic stopped the wheels of capitalism. China finally got the coronavirus under control, but it will be months before China’s manufacturing and retail sectors recover. Plus, there’s new concern about the West infecting the Chinese with the nasty bug again.

Mr. Trump likes to call COVID-19 the “China virus.” The president wants to blame China for not acting fast enough to flatten the virus curve. Chinese officials tried to play down the deadly virus after Dr. Li let the government know he found a strain of the coronavirus that had the potential to send thousands of Chinese to their maker. Government officials put the doctor behind bars, but when he died from the virus all hell broke loose in Beijing.

There’s been a lot of speculation about the origin of this strain of the coronavirus. According to the Chinese news agency, bats carry the virus, and an animal called a Pangolin passed the virus to humans in Wuhan’s live animal market. Several Chinese researchers claim they discovered two strains of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The first strain left its host animal sooner than the second strain. The first strain is the virus that caused most of the deaths in China, and the second strain, which stayed on its host animal longer, produces milder symptoms, according to the Chinese researchers.

That theory is still debatable, but it is clear 80% of COVID-19 cases are the mild version. People with a weak immune system due to underlying health issues and people over 50 seem to be fair game for the COVID-19. But according to U.S. health officials, 29% of the people under hospital care are between the ages of 20 and 49.

Kaiser Permanente started injecting the vaccine company researchers developed into Washington state volunteers. The giant healthcare giant said it will take a couple of months to determine if the new vaccine works. If it does, it may take another year for it to hit the retail market.

The president held another news conference, and he told the country the FDA approved hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 victims. Hydroxychloroquine is the drug commonly used to treat malaria and other diseases. Mr. Trump said hydroxychloroquine been around for years, and it won’t kill anybody.

According to a French research paper, hydroxychloroquine worked on patients with COVID-19. French researcher Didier Raoult treated 20 patients with hydroxychloroquine during an Aix-Marseille University study. Raoult told the press after six days of hydroxychloroquine treatments, 14 out of the 20 patients tested negative for COVID-19.


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