Transforming the Culture of Your Company in 2020


The culture of a company is of great importance when it comes to the success of a company. Company culture is attitudes, beliefs, standards and shared values of an organization. They are embedded in the company’s strategies, objectives, structure, and approaches to labor. When team members are not in alignment with the vision of the company it will hurt the bottom line of the company. A new year presents a new opportunity to reconstruct the culture of your company ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Here are ways you can improve the culture of your company:

1. Invest in Individual Well-being.
Working too hard has become rampant in the workplace and this brings about exhaustion, loss of motivation, anxiety, hopelessness, and boredom. For the company to thrive, everyone should be in good health and flourishing. Fiery company culture is one that ensures that team members feel supported to be at their best. A company that knows the significance of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual welfare of their team members will be able to create the perfect environment for them to work in. their employees will be happier, sharper, more committed, have better performance and will attract the best of the best who want to be part of this winning team.

2. Boost Collective Energy and Upraise Team Vibrations
Everything in the universe is energy. According to the law of attraction, we attract the energy that we give out. Anxiety, anger, fear, and depression are a hotbed for negative energy. Whereas gratitude, joy, abundance, excitement are nurseries for positivity. With this in mind, we should deliberately inculcate positive energy in the work space transforming it into a safe and healthy space where people can perform at their highest level. The buck stops with the leaders who must make intentional decisions that will inspire and uplift every member of the organization.

3. Set Concise and Powerful Intentions.
The team members in your company are looking for a sense of purpose and comprehensibility on the reason they are working hard, this gives them a sense of pride and thrill which can make all the difference. Moreover, they are more likely to succeed when they have a precise objective and when they feel like they are capable of achieving a particular goal. Organizations should strive to make their workers feel personally connected to their work purpose have better performing and more committed workers.

4. Together Create a Common Definition of Success
Come together with your team to create a shared definition of success. Everyone should be able to visualize, define and feel personal ownership of it. If you collectively create you have a common vision to nurture and to make progress on. Set aside time to brainstorm and communicate about the best possible outcome of what you are working towards and the vision of each person in their capacity. Every player should be able to have an intimate connection with the goal that the company is trying to achieve.


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