Organo Gold and The Power of Coffee

Organo Gold's Gourmet Coffee

Coffee is a staple in our society and in many others around the world. It is deeply rooted in our culture and there is even a day set aside across the world to celebrate this coveted beverage – on September 29 during International Coffee Day. Unfortunately, you won’t find anyone getting the day off from work on this holiday. Millions of people wake up every morning to greet themselves with a hot cup and the right amount of caffeine to jumpstart the day. As our days grow longer and our lives grow busier, finding more energy that a cup of joe offers has become a necessity to accomplishing our goals.

Coffee has been around for centuries, although nobody really knows its origins. There are various stories and myths about where coffee was first discovered. Many believe that it can be traced back to ancient coffee forests on the Ethiopian plateau. From there it spread to the Arabian Peninsula where it began to be cultivated and traded by the 15th century. About a hundred years later, it reached places such as Persia, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey. It wasn’t until the 17th century that it reached Europe and rapidly grew in popularity. This is where we see the establishment of coffeehouses and the beginnings of what we now know as a modern coffee shop.


With coffee being one of the most popular drinks in the world, you are sure to find a plethora of variations of the drink. Turkey is a good example as they are one of the first countries to start enjoying coffee. The Turks prefer their coffee strong and dark and are known to carry traditions of reading fortunes from the remaining coffee grounds that settle at the bottom of the cup. In Brazil, there is the café com leite. This is a popular drink that contains double strength coffee with hot milk. Brazil produces an estimated 40% of the world’s coffee. With coffee being such a strong part of Brazil’s culture, you will even find it being served to school children. If dark and strong isn’t your taste, you can head over to Norway where they like to flavor light roasts with a unique and tangy flavor. In Canada, caffeine is not taken lightly because 88% of Canadians say they drink at least one cup of coffee a day. This gives the country the highest consumption rate of coffee per capita outside of Europe. And, of course, there is Italy, which is the birthplace of the infamous espresso.

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As coffee is enjoyed across the world, there is a company who is reaching its consumers on an international level to bring the hot beverage to your doorstep. A global lifestyle company, Organo supplies many products that enhance an active lifestyle and are particularly known for their beverages – from amazing coffees and teas to incredible energy drinks – less the sugar. Organo coffee products are known around the world as great tasting, more benefical coffee product.

Organo Gold Coffee


The most popular is Organo’s Gourmet Black Coffee, a robust blend with no added sugar or cream that mixes in an instant for a flavorful cup. It also contains Ganoderma mushroom which provides a hint of nutty flavor to balance the rich, bold, and smooth taste. Organo is also proud to offer its Premium Gourmet Organic King of Coffee. This is a rich and robust coffee with the rare and exotic Ganoderma lucidum spore powder. For those who prefer a sweeter taste to their coffee, you can find it in the Organo Café Latte. With only 90 calories, this espresso style coffee contains Arabica and Robusta coffee beans as well as Ganoderma all blended together with cream and sugar for a creamy latte. Gourmet Café Mocha combines the rich, smooth flavor of chocolate in a creamy cup of premium coffee, with Ganoderma lucidum. And finally, there is the Gourmet Café Supreme which wraps ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, and Eurycoma longifolia into a mild and flavorful drink.


With the variety of coffee that Organo offers, we see a reoccurring ingredient of the Ganoderma mushroom. It is one of the oldest mushrooms to be used in Chinese herbs where the spores are known as a natural medicine. They are packed with polysaccharides, triterpene, nucleoside, and germanium and contain amino acids, sterols, alkaloids, and vitamins.


As we continue to consume copious amounts of coffee through our lives, it’s not a bad idea to find a product that contains quality ingredients. Organo is proud to bring you the energy you need to start the day.


  1. Very well written article! I love coffee and reading about all of its benefits and diverse uses makes me love it even more. Kudos to Organo for making such a simple thing, a most treasured “me” time. I enjoy their coffee, especially the Gourmet Café Supreme, really jump starts your day.

  2. Gourmet Café Mocha sounds devine. I have recently been researching and learning about Ganoderma lucidum. I plan to order this coffee from Organo’s soon. Thank you for all the great information.

  3. Very interesting article I must say! It was nice getting to know some history! My husband is a huge coffee lover! I will be sure to recommend this brand for him to try!

  4. Coffee has so many underestimated benefits. Many people talk down about coffee when they don’t understand the real power it has to offer. Any company like Organo that ventures into the coffee space has a huge market space and tons of growth potential, that’s for sure!

  5. Very interesting article, as a huge amount of the population drinks coffee. This provides a great substitute for people that need that pick-me-up who are sensitive to coffee of the acid and disruption of gallbladder activity. Having quality ingredients is essential to good health as the byproducts and man made ingredients only hurt our bodies.

  6. Very interesting article, as a huge amount of the population drinks coffee. This provides a great substitute for people that need that pick-me-up who are sensitive to coffee of the acid and disruption of gallbladder activity. Having quality ingredients is essential to good health as the byproducts and man made ingredients only hurt our bodies.

  7. OMG…I absolutely love coffee…sometimes I can’t start my day without it…It’s nice to know that there is a coffee with quality ingredients that can be essential to good health…I would most definitely buy and enjoy this brand of coffee…I can smell it now…

  8. This is a very interesting article, including the possible origins of coffee in Ethiopia. Bringing coffee into the 2010s and beyond, it seems like Organo has a wide variety of coffees for the current marketplace.


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