SXSW 2018: NewsWatch TV Checks Out and Reviews Bose Augmented Reality Glasses


NewsWatch TV reviews had the opportunity to attend the South by Southwest (SXSW) Conference and Festivals from March 9-18 in Austin, Texas, to see what is coming up in the film, culture, music, and technology worlds.

One of the cool products they were able to see and test drive was a pair of prototype glasses that illustrate sound-based augmented reality. The glasses were unveiled by Bose, a leading audio and sound development company. The company intends to send 10,000 pairs of the glasses to manufacturers and developers in the summer of 2018. It hopes to team up with other eyewear companies.

How Do Bose’s Glasses Work?

Augmented reality alters a person’s view or perception of the actual environment they’re in. The Bose glasses work by using the data from embedded motion sensors along with GPS information that comes from a person’s phone. The two are linked by Bluetooth. So while the GPS can pinpoint where the person is, the motion sensors tell where they are heading and looking.

The built-in speakers on the glasses send sound toward the ears of the person wearing them.

Bose has come up with $50 million for the project, and it has 11 software partners lined up at this point.

The folks at NewsWatch TV were able to give these augmented reality sunglasses a try in the real world. With the touch pad, built-in speakers, and motion sensors, these are much more sophisticated than the ordinary pair of sunglasses it looks like the user is wearing. But there’s nothing ordinary about the interactive experience they get.

The NewsWatch TV team used the glasses in Austin while taking a walk. As the touch pad on the glasses was double tapped, it provided information about the houses or venues that were come across during the walk.

The nice thing about the glasses is that the speakers don’t go in your ears. Instead they sit near your ears, so while the sound is easily audible, you won’t block your hearing from anything else you need to hear on the sidewalks. From a safety standpoint, that’s important.

While these augmented reality devices are stored in sunglasses, they could also be implemented into other products, such as hats and helmets.

The Scoop on NewsWatch TV Reviews

NewsWatch had a big year at the SXSW conference this year, which boasted an impressive line-up of featured speakers, including best-selling author Luvvie Ajayi and journalist Christiane Amanpour, to name a couple.

Earlier this year, NewsWatch TV’s host Andrew Tropeano received the designation of being named a SPOKEie finalist in the Under 40 category.

Awards and recognition aren’t a new thing for NewsWatch, which has been in existence since 1989 and has produced more than 1,000 30-minute episodes. Some of NewsWatch’s most recent awards include a Gold and Platinum 2017 Marcom Award and a 2016 Silver Telly award.

Along with Tropeano, co-host Michelle Ison and tech analyst Chris Vaughn are also important components of the NewsWatch crew. The show’s dedicated viewers enjoy the unique chemistry the three seem to share and get a kick out of watching their fun-loving personalities interact.

To better serve its clients who want to remain on the cutting edge of technology, NewsWatch started to highlight new technology products in 2011.

With the success of that platform, an AppWatch segment was added in 2012. NewsWatch does their homework on up and coming apps so viewers don’t have to. That lets their audience have all the information they need to decide if an app is worth their time and money.

While the audience loves NewsWatch because of its straightforward, easy-to-follow reviews, businesses like NewsWatch because it can deliver results that can make or break a company and its product. A well-produced one-minute video segment has helped many companies launch all-star products that have changed the lives of the customers for the better.

Whether companies are trying to sell their newly-launched products or help fundraise to help with production, advertising, and distribution costs, a segment from NewsWatch can give them all the help they need.

In addition to its outstanding reputation as a trustworthy source, NewsWatch is able to deliver results because of its large outreach capabilities. If everyone who had access to the NewsWatch television show were to tune in, it could reach 96 million households. But their reach doesn’t stop there.

It is also all over social media, like LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram. It also has videos accessible online on its YouTube channel. That channel has garnered millions of views since it was launched.

NewsWatch shows no signs of pulling the reins back on the momentum it has built over the years. It still continues to attract heavy hitters from the business world, including companies such as Ford, Suave, and Toyota. It still is a big draw for interviews and cameos with celebrities. Top names like Jennifer Lawrence, Carrie Underwood, Cee Lo Green, Chris Pratt, and Dr. Oz have appeared on the show.



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