Tech and Social Problems in Today’s World


We delight in fancy tech innovation daily. What we don’t know is that tech can be used to solve some common social problems which significantly affect our society. Take the case of New Zealand. According to a report by Stuff in 2016, cases of assault on children was as high as 600 within 10 – 14 age bracket which resulted in hospitalization. These are problems which the existing tech can bridge the gap and solve or address. Through the tech industry, we have many tools which can be shifted to solving the society’s pressing problems. Unfortunately, the platforms available do not incorporate collaboration between tech firms and organizations focused on solving these problems.

Moved by the desire to help solve these social problems, Figure.NZ CEO and Founder Lillian Grace share her opinion. Grace was a PE teacher before establishing this organization which empowers New Zealand citizens to make healthier choices with the assistance of data. Many of the people working in the environmental and social sectors are yet to be opened the possibilities acquainted with tech. Tech industries continue to thrive augmenting growth in the economy by vending products and services to the uppermost dealer.

Lillian encourages the need for New Zealanders to get out of their comfort zones, fight the fear if not collaborate with it and solve these problems. The best channel for tech firms to understand the real problems existing in the society in collaboration with social sectors. Cooperation between tech industries and these sectors could reveal tools that have already been made which can help solve problems. Alternatively, the two can merge, share information and ideas that can be supportive of this development.

Figure.NZ, established in 2012 as a charity organization focused on equipping people with knowledge. Her efforts were on bridging worlds with technology fixed in the middle to aid with the solution. However, this changed in 2013 while she watched her TEDxAuckland talk New Zealanders where they all find responsibility for their country’s future. The company now focuses on building software and processing data in the quest for solving problems. Pointing out that the system will not change anytime soon, Lillian encouraged collaboration between technology firms and sectors as the way forward. Besides, the tech divisions should also comprise of visionary problem solvers working hand-in-hand with researchers, designers, and developers. Lillian was speaking during the Hi-Tech Awards where she won as the most inspiring individual.


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