Amanda Miller Named Top Graduate Of VSU College And Science And Mathematics


Amanda Rachel Miller is a student at Valdosta State University. She is from Leesburg, Georgia and is the recipient of the Spring 2019 President’s Award for Academic Excellence for College of Science and Mathematics. The President Award is given to the students who have the highest grade point average in each college. Awards are given out to students in the College of Science and Mathematics, College of Education and Human Services, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, College of Business Administration and College of Arts.

VSU will observe its 227th commencement on May 10 and May 11. Amanda will be the official banner canner for the College of Science and Mathematics. She will be a Summa Cum Laude graduate. She will have a Bachelor of Science in Biology with a minor in chemistry.

Amanda stated that she hopes that she made her parents proud. She is also happy that her parents invested in her. Amanda not only excelled academically in college, but she also stayed busy. She worked as a personal trainer and medical assistant. She also played intramural volleyball.

Additionally, she conducted a research project along with Dr. Eric Chambers. Dr. Chambers is a biology professor. He specializes in studying infectious diseases. Dr.. Chambers and Amanda studied a genus of mosquitoes that used to only live in subtropical and tropical climates. Today, they live on every continent.

Amanda made the Dean’s list every semester. She is also a member of the Kappa Beta Chapter of Phil Mu. She has the highest grade point average in her sorority. In 2017, she was named the wing-eating champion of Chi Omega’s 2017 Wings for Wishes Fundraiser. The proceeds went to the Make a Wish Foundation.

Amanda plans on continuing her studies after she graduates from college. She will enroll in the United States Navy and study to become a physician assistant.


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