Huawei Expects Smartphone Sales To Drop by 40 to 60 Percent In 2019


Huawei Expects Smartphone Sales To Drop by 40 to 60 Percent In 2019
While the eyes of the world are on Trump’s next move against Iran, the president wants to turn up the heat on people living in the United States illegally. Mr. Trump told the press he plans to force millions of illegals out of the country in one of the biggest ICE roundups in the nation’s history.

It’s no secret Trump wants to remove immigrants from the United States by any means. The Southern border debacle and the tariff threats aimed at Mexico are just the tips of the immigration iceberg. Immigration experts claim the system needs repair, but Trump refuses to work with Congress on a solution. Immigration advisor Stephen Miller wants to remove as many immigrants as he can while Trump is in office. But Trump’s critics say his methods don’t conform with the law.

The World Trade Organization thinks Trump’s $16 billion farm bailout broke international rules. World Trade Organization rules state governments can’t subsidize their agriculture sector. Trump gave American farmers bailout money in order to keep the farmers in his political corner. The farmers still think Trump will bring China to its knees and force the Chinese to sign a trade agreement. But when Trump banned China’s largest tech company, it was game on.

Banning Huawei from doing business with Intel, Google, and other tech companies hurt Huawei, but those American companies think the ban hurts them too. Google and the other big American tech companies want Trump to walk back the ban. They still want to buy and sell Huawei’s products.

Several big chipset makers met with the Commerce Department to discuss the Huawei ban. Those companies still want to buy certain products from Huawei. According to American tech companies, selling a Qualcomm modem to Huawei will not impact national security. But not selling to Huawei impacts tech profits.

Huawei’s CEO Ren Zhengfei said his company was on track to reach $120 billion in sales in 2019. But the ban will drop that forecast by $20 billion. Mr. Zhengfei said smartphone sales will drop by as much as 60 percent. In 2018, Huawei shipped more than 200 million smartphones. Zhengfei wanted to sell more phone than Samsung in 2019, but that won’t happen due to the ban.

But Huawei won’t let Trump win without a fight. The company plans to release the new HongMeng OS this year and it will impact Google’s Android OS sales. Huawei also wants to limit the availability of their Honor series phones. The Honor series sold more than one million units in 14 days in China.


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