Spooner Farms Harvest Festival Best Berry Farming Tips Revealed!


Spooner Farms run the largest wholesale berry plant in America. The company competes in global and local markets today. It’s dedicated a sizable parcel of farmland to berry cultivation in Puyallup, Washington. The orchards harvest tons of berry species yearly: raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, boysenberries, blackberries (Triple Crown, Kotata) and Obsidian berries. Although the company produces corn, squash, pumpkin, and various berry plants, strawberries and raspberries are its main crops.

The founding father, Antone Spooner started this fruit farming business in 1882. Today, the Spooner family brand is a pioneer of the agriculture industry. Spooner Farms has remained transparent in its crop cultivation practices from inception to present. All crops undergo rigorous quality testing to meet international and local safety standards for mass production and distribution. The farm cultivates primocane raspberries, which grow throughout the season and floricane, which are summer bearing fruits.

The summer varieties have a shorter harvest period compared to the everbearing species. Sometimes everbearing raspberry plants germinate during the late autumn months. Whereas, floricane types are most productive during summer months. Spooner Farms exercises the best pruning and training techniques to ensure their crops reach full maturity.

One vital consideration Spooner Farms stress for optimal growth of any plant is the soil. They recommend using light (sandy) and medium (loamy) texture soil for raspberry plants. These varieties flourish in soils that have low sodium content, preferably salt-free and drain water quickly. It also thrives on raised soil beds, which improves drainage and production efficiency. With proper plant care and preventive maintenance, Spooner continues to harvest the best Washington berries year after year.

On occasion, Spooner Farms organize tours, which welcomes families, schools, companies, and tourists to explore its production plants. It also hosts annual harvest festival tours during the fall season. Some of the activities included in the month-long festivities are face painting, pumpkin slingshot contests, animal barn tours, and more. While touring the sites, guests can stop by the candy store or concessions shop for delicious farmhouse treats.

They can choose from a variety of products, including caramel apples, popcorn, roasted corn, and more. The farm also produces homemade frozen desserts, including berry fudges, fruit smoothies, and more. The Spooner Farms Pumpkin Patch festival will run from September 29 to October 31 this year. The farm reaped a bountiful harvest this season, with some 50+ squash, gourds, pumpkins and corn varieties. Its bewildering Corn Maze is a main highlight of the fall festivities.


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