Challenges for Millennial Mothers


At the moment, Anne Halsall says that she is 34. She remembers the first day that she brought her son from the hospital. She narrates how enthusiastic she was to ensure that she follows the best advice about breastfeeding. However, despite advice from a number of specialists and friends, she says that her son continued losing weight. Ms. Halsall lives in Chicago at the moment. She told the Times that when things didn’t improve, she did what other frustrated moms do nowadays. She forfeited the advice of the experts and turned to the internet. Moments after googling what she wanted to understand, she says that she received another shock. She discovered that most of the breastfeeding apps on the internet had been made by men. After sampling a few apps, she came to the conclusion that all these apps were horrible. Since then, she managed to build an app known as the Baby’s Day. By profession, Ms. Halsall is an engineer. She says that she is a frustrated mom who builds apps nowadays. She further laments that she can’t get more millennial than building apps. With millennials, Ms. Halsall is talking about the young people who were born between 1980 and 2000. This is a group of people that have been associated with a host of bad habits that include being over-communicative, uncommunicative, spoiled and selfish. There is also a number of millennials that has become addicted to likes, hookups, and trophies.

According to a research firm known as Pew, 16 million millennial ladies have become mothers. This means that the older people are busy having children, settling down and growing up while the rest of the society is obsessed with hating the millennials. As a matter of fact, it has been reported that 82 percent of children born today are born to mothers who are below 37 years. This is an indication that for every six babies, five are born to the millennials. However, this has led to a number of challenges which have also been sorted out using innovation. Zero to Three program director Rebecca Parlakian says that since millennial parents spent the better part of their lives dealing with personal technology, they have turned out to be high information parents. She further notes that this gives the parents an upper hand as they will be able to acquire information about child development. She refers to Google as the new nanny, neighbor, and new grandparent.


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