Alkaline Water You Should Try: Waiakea, Fiji, Evamor, and Ethos


Alkaline water is gaining in popularity everywhere across the globe. Even celebrities are making it known that they are drinking it and loving it. However, many people have never heard of alkaline water before. For those that skipped out on science class in high school a few too many times, all liquids have a measurement on the pH scale from 0 to 14. If the pH level is less than seven, it means the liquid is acidic. Think of coffee, soda, orange juice, vinegar, and those type of liquids that have a bit of a bite to them. A 7 on the pH scale means that the liquid is neutral. Most waters are right around 7. If a liquid is higher than 7, it means the liquid is alkaline. This is the end of your science lesson for the day. Makes you kick yourself that you ditched that science class now, doesn’t it?

You may be thinking, “So what. What makes alkaline water so great?” There are actually several notable benefits to drinking alkaline water. First and foremost, alkaline water can help greatly with heartburn and acid reflux. Constant problems with acid reflux can affect your life in a massive way. If your throat is burning frequently from acid reflux, it can actually change the tissue in your esophagus making it precancerous (Barrett’s Esophagus) or even change it into full-blown esophageal cancer. There are some cancers you definitely don’t want to ever hear that you have, and esophageal cancer is one of them. Most diagnosed with it die within a few years.

But there are other great benefits to alkaline water that should make you want to run out now to grab some. Besides neutralizing acid reflux, it will also neutralize acid in the bloodstream as well. This leads to better oxygen levels in the bloodstream, which will improve energy, endurance, and metabolism. Alkaline water also has antioxidant properties, clears the colon, creates more youthful looking skin, and is great for muscles and joints. One of the alkaline bottled waters, Evamor, states that “increased dietary alkalinity reduces body fat and fatigue, protects bones, supports the immune system, and achieves better overall health.”

Perhaps now you are ready to give alkaline water a try. Below are a few of the more popular alkaline bottled waters that you should be able to find somewhere close to you. There are so many brands of bottled water nowadays, you might have to look on the shelves for a bit to sort through and locate one of these.

Waiakea Water

Waiakea Water is Alkaline

Waiakea Water originally debuted in 2012 after a college student, Ryan Emmons, realized the water that he was drinking at his uncle’s well in Hawaii was the best water he had ever tasted. He thought the rest of the world would agree with him, so in only a year’s time, Waiakea Water was created and available on the market.

The story behind the water makes it quite unique. The water is gathered from melted snow and rain after it filters through thousands of feet of volcanic rock. Nature’s filter is what packs in the extra minerals, electrolytes, and makes the water alkaline with a pH level between 8 and 9. The water tastes smooth with a bit of a floral hint to it.

What makes Waiakea Water so great is that they don’t just stop with a great product. Their mission is to lead the world to a better place than it currently is. Only about 25 percent of plastic bottles get recycled in the United States. In many countries, it is even much less than that. There are billions of pounds of plastic littering our land and oceans. Even worse, it takes a normal plastic bottle 1,500 years to decompose on its own. However, Waiakea Water’s plastic bottles are different—which we’ve written about here. They are made out of 100 percent recycled material. They also add a nano-additive to the manufacturing process that allows their plastic water bottles to decompose on its own in 15 years. This is amazing technology and, hopefully, more companies will follow Waiakea’s lead and start making their plastic the same way.

Fiji Water

Fiji Water, Like Waiakea Water, is Alkaline

Fiji Water is a brand of bottled water that comes from, appropriately, Fiji. It is also alkaline with a pH level of about 7.7. It is less alkaline than Waiakea, but the water is actually gathered much the same through volcanic rock.

Fiji Water is the top premium bottled water brand in the United States. Maybe this is why they charge so much for their water. It has a soft taste that accompanies it. The bottle is definitely identifiable with its well known square shape. Fiji Water is collected from an ancient aquifer deep in the earth on the island of Viti Levu.

Evamor Water

Evamor Water, Like Waiakea Water, is Alkaline

Evamor keeps it simple without any fancy labels or celebrity endorsements. They say the water is the star and all they have to do is package it and supply it to the public. The alkaline water has a pH level of about 8.8 on average. It is packed with minerals and electrolytes that will definitely pay off during or after an intense workout.

Ethos Water

Ethos Water, Like Waiakea Water, is Alkaline

Ethos Water, a company owned by Starbucks, was originally brought to creation in 2001 after Peter Thum, just an ordinary everyday guy, noticed the severe lack of clean water in South Africa. This began his mission to create a bottled water company that gives back and develops safe water programs.

Ethos launched in 2003 as a bottled water company. They donate five cents for every bottle of water they sell. Each bottle has a price of about two dollars on it. Ethos definitely is a for-profit organization, but at the very least, they are donating money back to help the unfortunate that have to deal with unclean water on a daily basis. Ethos is manufactured by PepsiCo and chooses not to use recycled plastic in their manufacturing. Creating new plastic in this world is quite irresponsible for a company that says they are interested in providing for a better world.


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