New Rules for ‘Revenge Porn’ Crimes


Individuals that will be found guilty of recurrently uploading ‘revenge porn’ will not be spared. They will face the harshest punishments when the new guidelines that are yet to be launched come into force. This is the first time that England and Wales’s sentencing council has outlaid instructions to all courts so that they can deal with those who embarrass others by uploading secretive sexual clips and images. The new guidelines were published on Thursday, and they are due to come into force on the 1st of October the year 2018. The instructions are also inclusive of all harassment and stalking cases. The felony of disclosing private sex clips and images without consent that is better referred to as ‘retaliation porn’ was announced in the year 2015. The crime carries a extreme of two years in jail. In the years 2016 and 2017, there were over 465 prosecutions that were conducted for the offence in Wales and England.

The new rules emphasize that those individuals that recurrently post explicit content after it has already been erased from the internet are likely to be prosecuted and later receive a harsh sentence. The sentencing will be done after a thorough consultation and consider available evidence of a common trend of offenders reposting the explicit content on the internet. All individuals that go miles to set up fake social media accounts with the intention of embarrassing their targets will also not be spared. They will also face very tough punishments. The council reported that setting up fake accounts is significant planning to execute various offences. The new rules include a variety of intimidation crimes like harassments and Stalking.

In this case, very harsh punishments are suggested by the council if any annoying factors include sending grossly violent content to the victim, abusing apposition of trust or impacting other people such as kids. The rules are also reported to take into account the felony of regulating or intimidating behaviour in a family or intimate relationship. This crime will cost the offenders over five years in jail. This crime was announced as a crime in the year 2015 in December. It was intended to tackle all domestic abuse that includes spying on victim’s online, regulating victims over social platforms, preventing their access to money and preventing them from socially interacting. The rules state that kind of behaviour that constitutes homelessness or debt will be a potential aggravating factor that will mean a harsher jail sentence.


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