Donald Trump Tells Children Of Reporters He Likes Them More Than Their Parents

President Donald Trump returns to the White House in Washington on Aug. 19, 2018. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

President Trump recently held an event at the White House called “Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day.” He took a softer jab at the media. He told the children of reporters that he liked them more than he liked their parents. He also said that the children were beautiful and products of the media.

President Trump said that it was a great day. He also said that “Take Your Daughters and Son to Work Day” is the politically correct term to use it. He jokingly said that we have to be politically correct nowadays.

President Trump said that he will have Xi Jinping, who is the president of China, at the White House soon. He did not say when Xi will be coming to the White House. He also said that trade negotiators from the White House will be traveling to China soon.

President Trump gave the children a speech at the event. He stated that the children should stay away from drugs and alcohol. He said that he gave his own children the same advice. He also said that the media uses pictures to make him look bad. He praised the parents for letting their children attend the event.

Sarah Sanders, who is the White House Secretary, also attended the event. She stated that the White House plans to make this an annual tradition. She also announced that Trump will be delivering the commencement address to the Air Force Academy next month. She and Vice President Trump also took questions from the children.

This was the first time that Sarah Sanders took questions from the podium since March 11. It had been 45 days since the White House held a press conference. That was the longest the White House had ever gone without holding a press conference.


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