Trump Blasts Christianity Today For Calling Him An Immoral Leader


Nancy Pelosi kept Trump guessing when she decided to let McConnell and Trump duke it out over how the impeachment trial in the Senate should play out. Mr. McConnell wants a fast trial. The Trumpster wants a box office hit with a full cast of characters.

McConnell doesn’t like that idea. He knows the president won’t stick to the script. Mitch knows Trump will let his emotions rule his comments. Mr. Trump wants to call Adam Schiff, the whistleblower, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe and Hunter Biden to testify in front of his star-studded cast of ass-kissers. Chuck Schumer and Nancy want Mike Mulvaney and John Bolton to testify. But they don’t want Mike Pence to say anything.

Pence has a habit of lying for the president. Pence is neck-deep in the Zelensky takedown, but he denies he knew how Trump planned to make Ukraine pay for being Ukraine. Mr. Pence is on Adam Schiff’s hit list along with Giuliani, Don Jr., and Mike Pompeo. The Democrats would like a piece of Bill Barr’s Trump-loving ass, but he a tough Trumpian to bring down now that he’s Trump’s personal legal watchdog.

Canada wants the two Canadians China arrested when Trump told Canadian Customs in Vancouver to arrest Meng Wanzhou for violating the sanctions against Iran. Meng is the CFO of Huawei. Mr. Trump has a permanent hard-on for Huawei and the company’s CEO Ren Zhengfei. Trump won’t help Trudeau get his citizens back until China agrees to change the way they do international business, especially in the tech sector.

The phase one part of the trade deal sounds good on Trump’s blemished economic record, but there’s bigger Chinese fish to fry, according to the Trumpster. But President Xi is in no mood for more of Trump’s bullying. Trump disrespected the Chinese on more than one occasion and that method of negotiating produces little results. The phase one deal is one of those little results.

North Korea wants more attention from the Trumpster. Steve Biegun is in Asia talking to China, South Korea, and Japan about Kim Jon Un. China wants Trump to lift some sanctions. Japan and South Korea say that’s a stupid idea.

Christianity Today kicked Trump in his evangelical-loving nuts when the editor-in-chief told his readers the Trumpster deserves what he got for screwing Zelensky. The article also said Trump’s behavior and his tweets prove he’s an immoral creep who needs therapy. Mr. Trump called the magazine started by Bill Graham’s church, “a liberal loser.” Mike Pence broke out in a sweat when he read the article. Maybe those Rumors about Nikki Haley taking his seat might take shape in 2020.


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