Amit Kleinberger: Investing In The Food Industry


Amit Kleinberger is an American entrepreneur who entered the business of selling frozen yogurts. The name of his business is Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt, and it became one of the most favorite places for yogurt products in the United States. Currently, the business is booming, and they now have more than 475 store locations around the world. Amit Kleinberger serves as the company’s chief executive officer, and he is doing a great job in leading the company into the right track. The frozen yogurt craze was a phenomenon that they have taken advantage of, and by satisfying the thirst of the public for frozen yogurt products, he made a huge fortune, and he is using the wealth that he acquired from selling frozen yogurts into improving the whole business structure. Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt is a favorite among the Americans, and other countries have also adopted a franchise to open up a store in their area.

Amit Kleinberger is benefiting from the structure of franchising. His store began in 2007, and he had no idea back then how the business can spread to other territories. However, he saw an article about franchising, and he decided to study how it works. He found out that he needs to sell his product to other business people who are located in other countries and persuade them to invest in his products. Later on, many business people from overseas decided to give his product a try, and they loved how the yogurt tasted like. Many investors decided to partner with Amit Kleinberger, and they opened a local site in their areas. This franchising system resulted in the growth of the company, and today, there is an estimated 475 Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt stores around the world. The company’s secret lies on the yogurt that they sell. These yogurts are made with the top ingredients available, and only skilled workers are allowed to manufacture the product. The result – an amazing frozen yogurt that is loved by many.

Amit Kleinberger is proud to say that he managed to change how the people look at yogurt. After he has frozen it, the yogurt became more popular. He also said that the yogurt products that his company prepares are delicious, and their most loyal customers are those who wanted to taste the frozen yogurt over and over. The young entrepreneur was able to unlock the secret of success when operating in the food industry, and he is happy to know that his hard work became successful. Today, he is focusing on the expansion of the company, and he wanted to open up new locations in key cities around the world. One of the most probable cities where the Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt would operate next would be the countries in Europe and Asia. The head of the company wanted to take advantage of the huge Asian population, and it has been proven in the past that this region of the world is a viable source of income.

Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt continues to change the perception of the public about eating this amazing dessert.

Learn more about Amit Kleinberger:


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