Commerce Secretary Ross Is On Trump’s Chopping Block


Trump opened a can of Internet worms when he told four young Congresswomen they need to get out of white America. After insulting the lawmakers, Trump said he thinks they should apologize for the ego-slams they imposed on his Twitter-ass.

Nancy Pelosi didn’t like the fact Trump got involved in her disagreement with the four lawmakers. All four are liberals who want the Democratic Party to stand for a social-democracy that works for all people. Pelosi still wants to hang in the middle of the political arena. Pelosi, Harris, Buttigieg, and Biden want slight change as long as it doesn’t impact the pockets of the major Democratic donors too much.

Huawei is still on the government’s reject-list even though the president made a deal with China at the G20 Summit. Trump complained about China’s refusal to buy more farm products after the meeting, but according to the Chinese news agency Xi told Trump he would have to let Huawei do business, and Trump said okay.

Mr. Trump took another step backward when he blocked Intelligence official Rod Schoonover’s climate change report. Rod told Trump to shove it while he turned in his resignation. Mr. Trump listened to French President Macron call him a dumb ass in French about his position on climate change. Macron wanted Trump to get back in the Paris Climate Treaty, but Trump said America has the cleanest water and air in the world, so he didn’t need to hang out with a bunch of whiners like them.
The latest report on glacier activity indicates a glacier the size of Florida is ready to turn to water again. When it does, sea levels will rise faster than previous reports indicated, according to the Post.

The government slapped a $5 billion fine on Facebook for selling private information to other businesses in order to produce more revenue. Facebook revenue was $56 billion in 2018, so the Democrats say that fine is too light. Congress keeps fumbling the ball on a new privacy act. Europe protected its citizens by passing a law to keep Facebook in line last year.

Wilbur Ross put his reputation on the line when he refused to tell Congress Trump wanted the citizenship question on the 2020 Census to make America white again. Ross. When Trump lost the fight to put the question on the Census, he said he won the battle. The press didn’t know what he meant until the plan to kick Ross to the curb and blame the census loss on him came to the surface.


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