Huawei Smartphone Sales Are In Orbit Despite Trump’s Tech Tantrum


The president threw his pal Rudy Giuliani under his Ukrainian bus. Trump told Bill O’Reilly Trump didn’t know what Rudy was up to in Ukraine. Mr. Trump told President Zelensky to talk to Rudy during that famous July 25th phone conversation. Trump tried to put the Rudster on ice, but he also praised Rudy for being a warrior.

Mexico’s economy feels the impacted of a stalled new NAFTA agreement. Mexico’s growth Domestic Product growth is in the weeds. Third-quarter numbers indicate a recession is the economic flavor of the day in Mexico City. Mexico’s economy and the U.S. economy usually mirror each other. But now that Trump’s tariff addiction upset the global supply chain, Mexico faces the same economic challenges as Asia and Europe.

U.S. economic growth is 1.9 percent, but if Trump can’t agree to the tech part of the trade agreement quickly, economists predict a recession by June 2020. Mr. Trump won’t let up on Chinese tech corporations. He told his personal attorney and legal Pitbull Bill Barr to tell the press the Justice Department wants tech companies that use Huawei components to replace them with U.S. components. Bill wants tech companies to believe ZTE and Huawei spy for the Chinese government.

Wilbur Ross extended the Huawei license another 90-days. But after that happened Trump bashed China for not doing enough to stop the spying and intellectual property thief. Huawei’s been in business for thirty years and the company does business with more than 170 countries. The only country to accused Huawei of spying is Trumpland.

Trump’s beef with Huawei is more about pressuring China than his spying claim. As long as he holds China’s tech industry by the short hairs, he hurts that sector of the Chinese economy. But Huawei is a tough adversary to bring down. According to CEO Ren Zhengfei, Huawei’s revenue will be more than $100 billion in 2019.

Mr. Trump’s ban hurt U.S. sales. But the company added several new 5G customers, and that puts China ahead of the U.S. in the 5G dominance race.

Plus, Huawei is the second-largest smartphone vendor in the world. Huawei sold 65.8 million smartphones in 2019. That’s a seventeen percent market share. The only smartphone vendor that sells more phones is Samsung. Samsung sold 79 million smartphones. That’s a 20.4 percent market share.


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