Parnas Shows Up At The Impeachment Trial Wearing An Ankle Device


The impeachment trial is all about John Bolton, now. John’s book has the Republicans spitting fire and the Democrats dabbing the sweat on their foreheads. Mr. Trump calls Bolton a “warmonger” capable of starting World War VI. The president knows Bolton doesn’t give up. And John has a reputation for being blunt and honest, so President Trump Internet followers started a smear campaign in order to create conspiracy theories that would question Bolton’s reputation and honesty.

Mr. Trump made Bibi Netanyahu happy. Trump gave him a win in the Middle East, according to the Palestinians. The Palestinians don’t buy what Trump and Netanyahu want to sell in the new peace plan. Palestine’s president told the press the best way to develop a peace plan in the Middle East is for Trump to butt out. The president said Middle East countries should decide how they want to divide land, build friendships, and develop commercial projects to fuel their economies.

The Middle East peace plan gives Mr. Trump a win with his voter base. But the plan is not getting a thumbs up around the world. Mr. Trump’s business ally Prince Salman said the plan was cool. He helped Jared Kushner put the plan together. Kushner wanted to promote the plan last June, But Mr. Trump’s beef with Iran got hot while Jared was in Israel. Jared wanted to make his pal Bibi look like a hero in his country, according to the Israeli press. Mr. Netanyahu has legal issues, so the peace plan may be his only shot of forming a government and staying out of an orange jumpsuit.

Boris Johnson let the president and Mike Pompeo know he’ll use Huawei’s technology to build part of the country’s 5G cellular network. Mr. Johnson told the press he has the Huawei security issue under control. His decision will provoke a response from Mr. Trump. The president warned Boris he may not get intelligence briefings in the future. But Boris believes he can work a deal with Mr. Trump when they start talking about trade. Mr. Trump wants a trade deal with the U.K. before the election. But the EU is first in line, according to the U.K.’s economic advisor.

Chuck Schumer sent Lev Parnas and his lawyer Joseph Bondy tickets so Parnas could testify if the witness testimony vote goes his way. But Lev wears an ankle monitoring device, and a judge said he can’t take it off the attend the trial. That means Parnas can’t testify because he can’t wear the ankle device on the Senate floor unless the Senate changes the rules.


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