Venmo Goes Down and Other Small Business Tech News


Things that happened in the past week and how they affected businesses.

The Venmo app went down last Monday
On Monday last week, a popular payment app known as the Venmo app, went down for a few hours, interrupting its software version in the process. Difficulties began on 30 December and prolonged as the day ended. The system malfunction brought a lot of bitterness to the users as they were unable to pay bills, and cards were declined. However, the firm wasn’t able to state the cause of the problem even after resolving the issue.

Why is this important to your business?
It’s appropriate if small entrepreneurs have other systems of pay. For those using Venom as the only source of payment, it was a lesson well learned. However, cloud-based applications are always at high risk of power and security concerns.

Tax prep companies can’t hide free filing software from google anymore
In 2020, IRS Internal Revenue Service will make efforts in the attempt to make payment less tedious. Thanks to an addendum of the old Free File agreement, Americans will now be able to pay taxes with no additional charges. The Agreement denies Free File Alliance from interfering with any interactions that can result in their software appearing in any search engines. However, the Internal Revenue Service can now design their software.

Why is it essential for your business?
From now on, no funds will be charged to pay for taxes. The IRS strategy is to provide better free services to its citizens.

A ton of Ruckus wireless routers was vulnerable to hackers.
Ruckus wireless routers were vulnerable to hacking in the past week. Routers lacked passwords leaving hackers with a room for accessing the net.

Why is this important for your business?
Anyone owning a router gadget designed by the Ruckus should seek attention from their IT experts. Updating the device software managed to solve the solution. However, Ruckus devices customers are requested to update their software to prevent such predicaments.

Online sales tax ruling challenges small business
Supreme Court ruled that online transactions by small entrepreneurs should be taxed. However, the small retail businessmen and women are still working to cope up with the change.

Why is this important to your business?
In a given State, retail owners should gather sales tax in any online selling. Upon delivering the commodities, businesses must collect sales tax in every state.


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