Climate Models Indicate Global Temperatures Could Keep Rising


The climate change problem could be much worse than many scientists thought it was. There is new data that suggests the planet could eventually experience a rise in temperatures by as much as five degrees Celsius. This data was derived from climate models which have proven to be very accurate in the past. The implications for what such a large increase in temperature could mean for the planet as a whole could be catastrophic. The problem of climate change and global warming is already very bad in certain parts of the world. It is not known how the governments of the world would be able to cope with the problem if these climate models turn out to be right in their forecast.

Scientists around the world who study the climate for a living are trying to put into perspective just how devastating it would be if the average temperature were to rise by five degrees. For example, they have said that the global average temperature going up by two degrees might result in the death of many coral reefs. This would obviously have a profoundly negative impact on oceans and aquatic life around the world. There is also a possibility that the level of the sea could go up. The scarcity of water could become a very serious issue in certain regions of the planet.

The data supplied by the climate models is not set in stone. It still needs to be accurately interpreted by climate scientists. This process might take several months to complete. Climate change has been a major issue around the world for the past couple of years. Senator Bernie Sanders, a presidential candidate in the United States, has made climate change a very important issue for his campaign. He feels that time is running out on the planet unless we do something fast.

Scientists in various regions of the world are working together and sharing data. They are doing this in an effort to find the fastest and most effective ways to tackle the very serious climate issues that are impacting our world today. Glaciers are melting faster than they ever have before. Snow has disappeared from regions of the Alps at times of the year when snow is usually plentiful. The signs of global warming and climate change are everywhere. Now it is up to these scientists to convince politicians of the best way to movie forward.


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