The Supermoon Is Here This Weekend


A supermoon typically occurs before the onset of spring, and it will be visible in the night sky Sunday and Monday. The moon will be completely full on Monday, but it will appear full from Sunday night through Wednesday.

The occurrence of the supermoon also happens to be at the same time as Daylight Savings Time, so you could view it as a reminder to set your clocks forward when you see it in the night sky.

What is a supermoon? They appear when the moon is at its closest proximity to the earth in its orbit. This will cause the moon to look a little bit larger and brighter than it would normally. Of course, this will only be the case if the cloud conditions do not obscure its view in your area of the United States.

Native Americans refer to this moon as the “worm moon” because it occurs in March when the ground begins to soften with the first thaw of spring. This comes with the first appearances of worms in the year, and this also attracts more birds. The supermoon is associated with spring partially for this reason. It is interesting to note that the spring equinox is occurring this year on the 19th of March, and this is earlier than it has been in over 100 years.

The supermoon is known by many names, which is understandable given its ability to inspire wonder and awe for people who like to contemplate the heavens or gaze at the night sky. It is called the “lent moon” because it arrives at around the same time as the beginning of that religious observance leading up to Easter.

On most years, there are 12 occurrences of full moons, but there are going to be a total of 13 this year because two will occur in October, and one of them is perfectly timed to come out on Halloween. When two full moons occur in the same month, it is called a “blue moon.” Given the rarity of this, one can understand the expression “once in a blue moon.”

The supermoons are going to be visible up to four times this year as the moon approaches closer to the Earth in its orbit. The next one will happen very soon, occurring on the 7th of April. Luckily, for those who want to see it, they can gaze up at the sky in the next few days to enjoy it.


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