How Climate Change Legislation Can Improve the Economy


Climate change is a severe and urgent threat. According to numerous scientists, climate change will cause massive issues in the coming years. Not only will sea levels increase, but millions of people will deal with massive droughts and food shortages.

There are multiple political leaders in the United States proposing legislation to deal with climate change. The Green New Deal is the latest political idea to improve environmental compliance in the United States. Many critics of the proposal say that raising taxes is a bad idea. However, proponents of the plan believe that taxes are the only way to discourage companies from emitting more pollution.


Renewable energy is one of the critical aspects of climate change legislation. Many people in the coal industry have lost jobs in recent years. As coal production declines, the demand for coal workers falls as well. The good news is that the solar industry is booming with new jobs. Many economic analysts believe that wind and solar power will provide thousands of new jobs in 2019.

Any legislation that seeks to combat climate change should include incentives for the renewable energy industry. Some people believe the government should not offer any financial aid to companies. However, oil companies currently receive massive economic benefits through tax deductions and credits.

Global Growth

Pollution overseas is another aspect of battling climate change. China and India both emit more pollution than the United States. As a result, any climate change legislation needs to consider global compliance. If the emerging nations do not take climate change seriously, any changes made in the United States will be less effective.


Proponents of climate change legislation believe that wealthy people should pay higher taxes to finance these economic changes. However, various nations in Europe have tried to increase taxes on wealthy individuals. In most cases, business owners move to other countries with lower tax rates. Although climate change continues to be a significant problem, there are no easy solutions to solve this issue.


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