Dr. David Samadi Advises All Americans To Take These 5 Health Tests

Dr. David Samadi Health Tests
Dr. David Samadi suggests that every American take these 5 health tests

According to Dr. David Samadi, Americans should ask their physicians to screen them for five potential health problems. Dr. Samadi also believes that people should manage their health via exercising, eating healthier meals, taking nutritional supplements, consuming less salt and reducing stress. However, knowing the results of five basic tests makes a difference in the way patients approach their specific health-related issues. For instance, a person who is diagnosed with hypertension may opt to eat healthier foods and embark on early morning walks.

Dr. David Samadi specializes in treating prostate cancer via robotic surgery techniques. His training in urology inspired him to develop an advanced urology treatment program at Lenox Hill Hospital located in New York City. He has a passion to help others and uses his knowledge to benefit patients. As a medical physician and specialist, Dr. Samadi has the necessary training to advise people about general health-related topics. Dr. David Samadi believes that every American should have the following five screening tests:

  1. Blood Pressure Screening

Statistics show that approximately one-third of all American adults have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. In addition, many American children suffer from high blood pressure. People with extremely high readings risk incurring heart attacks or strokes. The best way to find out if blood pressure is an issue is to have a simple blood pressure test at the doctor’s office. Unfortunately, many people who formerly had normal blood pressure readings may now have abnormal results. The American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the American Heart Association (AHA) recently lowered the previously accepted numbers.

According to these two medical organizations, people with blood pressure readings higher than 130/80 are diagnosed with hypertension or high blood pressure. The previous norm was 140/90. One word of caution is that blood pressure readings are variable. A person may have a high blood pressure reading only to discover that a repeat test within a few minutes shows a normal reading. Accordingly, people need to understand that one abnormal blood pressure reading does not necessarily indicate hypertension.

  1. Getting Weighed on a Professional Weight Scale

Numerous men and women are overweight but do not want to know how much they weigh. People suffering from obesity may try to pretend they do not have any health problems. Ignoring a weight issue is not going to eliminate the problem. Knowing a person’s weight is one way of ascertaining whether the individual is healthy. Obesity can cause type 2 diabetes, heart conditions, strokes, high blood pressure and even cancer.

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  1. Measure the Waist

When a person is concerned about his or her health, weight is not the only factor to consider. A person’s waist size also contributes useful information. A large waistline indicates that the person has excessive visceral fat, also known as belly fat, in the abdominal area. This type of fat can cause inflammation in the body leading to various health conditions including liver problems, damaged arteries, strokes and type 2 diabetes.

Dr. David Samadi cares about his patients. Consequently, he wants them to know that basic screenings can literally save their lives. Plus, these screenings and blood tests are not overly expensive. Many patients do not pay any money for basic tests. For instance, a nurse usually weighs the patient before the scheduled doctor’s appointment. In addition, the nurse typically weighs the patient. These tests are included in the standard fee.

Dr. David Samadi loves practicing medicine and helping his patients. Even though his practice centers on urology and treating men with prostate cancer, Dr. David Samadi also has a keen interest in alternative treatments. He enjoys providing people with educational information that helps them lead healthier lives. People who live according to nature’s principles are proactive about their bodies. Preventive measures means less frequent visits to the doctor’s office. Accordingly, people should maintain their weight and participate in physical activities including walking, swimming and dancing.

  1. Blood Lipid Tests

Dr. David Samadi encourages patients to undergo simple blood tests revealing their blood lipid numbers. A higher reading shows that the person may have a greater tendency for experiencing a heart attack or other related complications. Lipid numbers include total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL). An HDL result shows the amount of good cholesterol within a patient’s body. An LDL result shows the amount of bad cholesterol within a patient’s body. People should begin to test their blood lipid levels upon exiting their teenage years. Researchers recommend that Americans repeat blood lipid tests every five years or more often if the test results are abnormal.

  1. Blood Glucose Test

A simple blood glucose test provides one way to find out if a patient has diabetes or prediabetes. Many Americans are diagnosed with diabetic conditions every year. Diabetes can cause heart problems, strokes, kidney damage and cataracts. A severe case can result in having a leg amputated. Every person should have a blood glucose test starting at 45-years-old and repeat the test every five years. Obese patients, people with genetic tendencies for contracting diabetes and patients with hypertension need to take blood glucose tests approximately every three years.

In a recent interview, Dr. David Samadi explained how he first became interested in laparoscopic methods for helping men with prostate cancer. Dr. Samadi mentioned that he studied with a medical team in France where he learned about a robotic surgical technique. His medical career took a huge leap because the technique was unknown in America. Consequently, Dr. Samadi became known as a celebrity doctor with expertise in a minimally invasive way to treat prostate cancer.

Dr. Samadi later developed his SMART surgical technique offering patients new hope after undergoing prostate surgery. Prostate patients often experience negative side effects after undergoing traditional surgical procedures. Dr. David Samadi’s innovative method has helped numerous patients live normal lives free from incontinence and impotence.

Learn More About Dr. David Samadi: Fox News Contributor Dr. David Samadi Announces New Show “Sunday Housecall with Dr. David Samadi” Live Online Sundays


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